Paragraf Çalışmaları - Çözüm ve Yaklaşımlar 10

In England, transportation had improved a great deal during the years before 1830, but moving heavy materials, particularly coal, remained a problem (1). It is therefore significant that the first modern railway, built in 1825 for the transportation of coal, ran from the Durham coal field of Stockton to Darlington near the coast (2). Coal had traditionally been transported short distances via tramways, or tracks along which horses pulled coal carts. The Stockton-to-Darlington railway was a logical extension of a tramway, (which was) designed to answer the transportation needs arising from constantly expanding industrialization(3). The man primarily responsible for the design of the first steam railway was George Stephenson, a self-educated engineer who had not learned to read until he was seventeen (4). The locomotives on the Stockton-Darlington line travelled at fifteen miles an hour, the fastest rate at which machines had yet moved goods overland (5). Soon they would move people as well, transforming transportation in the process.

1. It is emphasized in the passage that George Stephenson, who designed the first steam railway, —-.
A) developed new techniques in order to increase the speed of locomotives
B) was one of the partners who owned the Durham coal field of Stockton
C) had been previously involved in the solution of various other problems concerning transportation
D) had already distinguished himself by his achievements as an engineer
E) had not received formal education to become an Engineer

2. It is pointed out in the passage that the primary aim in the contruction of the Stockton-Darlington railway was to —-.

A) give George Stephenson an opportunity to demonstrate his engineering skills
B) enable people to travel more comfortably and cheaply
C) transport more goods overland so that the costs could be much lower
D) make the transportation of coal more efficient for the industry
E) get rid of the use of horses in the transportation of heavy materials

3. According to the passage, much improvement —-.
A) was needed for an efficient use of tramways in the transportation of all sorts of goods
B) had been achieved in transportation by 1830 in England
C) was not expected in the transportation of coal when the first railway was built in 1825
D) was needed in the construction of railways for the development of England
E) had been made before Stephenson in the design of locomotives

4. Attention is drawn in the passage to the fact that, in the early decades of the nineteenth century, —-.

A) England made great advances in the design and manufacture of machines
B) the production of coal in England was technically much improved
C) Darlington developed into a major port for England’s export of coal
D) England was in a continuous process of industrial growth
E) engineering was not yet a profession that was popular in England

5. It is clear from the passage that the steam railway —-.
A) had been in use in England before Stephenson introduced new techniques
B) remained a local facility and played no role in the industrialization of England
C) was a solution to meet the transportation needs of England’s industry
D) was invented in the first place for travel between Stockton and Darlington
E) had little impact on the transformation of transportation in nineteenth-century England

Çözüm ve Yaklaşımlar:

1. Soruda Stephenson ile ilgili bir bilgi soruluyor. Bu kişi ilgili bilgi parçada 4 numaralı cümlede geçiyor. Onunla ilgili “self-educated” sıfatı, mühendis olma konusunda kendi kendini yetiştirdiğini belir-tiyor. Bu bilgi seçeneklerden E’de var. Cevap: E

2. Yine parçadaki bilgilerden hangisinin sorulduğunu kolayca anladığımız bir soru ile karşı karşıyayız. Burada Darlington demiryolu hattının yapım amacı soruluyor. Bu parçada 2 numaralı cümlede anlatılmıştı. Amaç, kömür taşımacılığı idi. Bu bilgi de D seçeneğinde bulunuyor. Cevap: D

3. Bu sorudaki “much improvement” ifadesinin karşılığı ilk cümlede “improved a great deal” olarak var. Demek ki oradaki bilgiden yardım alacağız. Burada 1830’lardan önce demiryolu taşımacılığı konusunda İngilitere’de çok önemli gelişmelerin kaydedilmiş olduğu söyleniyor. Buna göre B şıkkı doğru olmaktadır. Cevap: B

4. Bu soruda 19.yy’ın başlarında yani 1830’larda İngilterede olan bir şey soruluyor. Altı çizili cümlelerdeki bilgiler akılda tutularak şıkları okursak, D seçeneğindeki bilginin parçada altı çizili 3 numaralı cümledeki ile aynı olduğu anlaşılır. Her iki cümlede de hızlı ve sürekli bir sanayileşmeden söz ediliyor. Cevap: D

5. 3 ve 4 numaralı cümlelerdeki bilgilerden yararlanılarak yapılabilen bir soru. Aslında parçayı okumadan bile C şıkkının doğru olduğu anlaşılıyor. Nerede olursa olsun demiryolu taşımacılık amacıyla yapılır. Cevap: C

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