Test: Can, Could or May

Complete the sentences below with the correct option.
1. Although it contains many difficult words, I ___ read this book now.
 A) can
 B) could
 C) may
2. I ___ have read it last year. Because there were many long words.
 A) aren't able to
 B) couldn't
 C) can't
3. When you receive the new books,  ___ try to read one of them?
 A) I can
 B) could I
 C) may I
4. Can you pronounce my name properly? I ___ if you would speak more slowly.
 A) could
 B) may
 C) can
5. Will you speak more clearly please? I ___ hardly hear you at all.
 A) could
 B) can
 C) can't
6. Listen, please. You ___ speak during this exam.
 A) may not
 B) can't
 C) couldn't
7. They ___ be away for the weekend but I'm not sure.
 A) may
 B) can't
 C) could
8. I ___ only listen to my radio when my mother was not at home.
 A) can't
 B) may
 C) could
9. I ___ do that because I will get a sunburn.
 A) may not
 B) can't
 C) was able to
10. I ___ reach that apple, I'll have to use a ladder.
 A) couldn't
 B) may not
 C) can't

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