Question Tags - Matching Quiz

Sağ taraftaki 'Question Tag'ları kutuyla birlikte verilen cümlelerle eşleştirin, Daha sonra cevaplarınızı kontrol ediniz.
 1. He's waiting for you,
 2. There are seven days in a week,
 3. I'm not late,
 4. These colors are pretty,
 5. Her reasons weren't very good,
 6. The doctor wasn't in his office,
 7. The lights were very bright,
 8. The idea is interesting,
 9. There were a lot of books on the table,
 10. The hole isn't deep,
A. weren't they?
B. is it?
C. am I?
D. weren't there?
E. isn't he?
F. were they?
G. isn't it?
H. aren't there?
I. aren't they?
J. was he?


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