Present Continuous / Progressive Tense - Wh question

Present Continuous Tense - Question Words
Combine the words in brackets to make questions in Present Continuous.
  1. What
    (children / eat) in the kitchen?
  2. Who
    (you / have) dinner with on Friday?
  3. Where
    (kids / hide) now?
  4. Which university
    (he / attend) at present?
  5. Where
    (they / go) on vacation this summer?
  6. How many books
    (you / read) this year?
  7. How
    (we / travel) to in England?
  8. Who
    (Sally / dance) with now?
  9. Why
    (Tom / get ) so angry with you?
  10. Which color
    (you / wear) tonight?
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