So, Nor, Neither, Either, But and Too - Exercise

Fill in the blanks with so, nor, neither, but, too, or either.
1. Linda couldn't read my handwriting, and could anyone else.
2. My father works as a teacher, does my mother.
3. Why are you laughing at me? You can't climb the tree, .
4. If Tina wants to come with us , she first needs to get permission from her parents.
5. My daughter is interested in learning how to play chess, my son isn't.
6. He isn't interested in moving to another state, and is his wife.
7. The original song actually had no words, did it have a music video.
8. Although it is known that children spend a lot of time on their computers, adults do so .
9. Samuel’s father is a clerk at a bank. His mother is a clerk, .
10. Robert seemed to have found the joke very funny, I didn't.

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