Relative Pronouns: why, when and whose

Relative Pronouns: why, when and whose 

Choose why, when or whose.

1. Greg, job involves travelling a lot, has been in nearly all the countries in the world.
2. I'll never forget the day we met first time at the city square.
3. My favorite season is fall, all the leaves change color.
4. I met a middle aged lady husband works for the government.
5. He brought in the coffee flavour was very strong.
6. I really enjoyed the time we went to that Turkish restaurant.
7. I used to teach French to children first language was English.
8. The police never found out the reason the man was killed.
9. The house roof needs repairing has been for sale for a long time.
10. I know the reason you don’t want to come with me.
11. There a 10% discount for guests reservations are made on the internet.
12. The police identified the murderer fingerprints were on the knife.
13. Can you tell me the exact time we have to be at the station?
14. Do you remember the reason we are arguing?
15. Our professor contract finishes at the end of the season, wants to retire then.
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