Listening: Frequency Adverbs

A: What do you do on the weekend?
B: I always go out on Saturday. Sometimes I go to a restaurant, and sometimes I watch a movie. I never go to concerts, but I often go to my friend's house. I always have a good time! 

A: What kind of person are you?
B: Well, I'm friendly and outgoing, and I'm usually very happy. I don't often complain, and I never shout or get really angry. How about you?
A: I'm friendly too, and I'm a little shy. I'm always happy, but sometimes I'm very busy. I always try to have a happy face.
B: Me too!

A: What are some customs in your country?
B: We always bow to people we meet, and we never joke about people's names.
A: That's good. Here we never ask about people's salary, it's rude. Also we usually aren't late for meetings.
B: That's good too!

Key Vocabulary
weekend: hafta sonu
always: daima
sometimes: bazen
watch: seyretmek
movie: sinema, film
never: asla
concert: konser
often: sık sık
what kind person: ne çeşit bir insan
friendly: samimi, dosthane
outgoing: dışa yönelik
usually: genellikle
complain: şikayet etmek
shout: bağırmak
get angry: kızmak
shy: utangaç
busy: meşgul
face: yüz
custom: gelenek
country: ülke
bow: başını hafifçe eğmek
people: insanlar
meet: tanışmak, görüşmek
joke: şaka, fıkra
salary: maaş
rude: kaba
late: geç
meeting: toplantı, görüşme

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