Still, Yet or Just

1. Is it ___ snowing?
 A) still
 B) yet
 C) just
2. Mike’s ___ called. Can you ring him back please?
 A) just
 B) still
 C) yet
3. I haven't eaten ___, and I am very hyngry.
 A) still
 B) just
 C) yet
4. She is ___ looking for a job.
 A) yet
 B) still
 C) just
5. The bus hasn't come ___. Do you know when it comes?
 A) just
 B) still
 C) yet
6. Congratulations ! You have ___ won a trip to New York.
 A) yet
 B) still
 C) just
7. Have you done your homework ___?
 A) still
 B) just
 C) yet
8. They are ___ eating and drinking.
 A) still
 B) yet
 C) just
9. Maria has ___ phoned from Italy. I spoke to her a few minutes ago.
 A) yet
 B) still
 C) just
10. It hasn't stopped raining ___.
 A) still
 B) just
 C) yet
11. John is ___ working at the gym as far as I know.
  A) still
  B) just
  C) yet
12. They have ___ opened the new shopping mall.
  A) still
  B) just
  C) yet
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