Object Pronouns (Nesne Durumundaki Zamirler)

1. Choose The Best Answer:
"Is she writing to his boy friend?"
"Yes, she is in love with ___!"

  A: her
  B: him
  C: his
  D: them
2. Choose The Best Answer:
"John is making a lot of noise!"
"I'll ask ___ to be quiet."

  A: him
  B: it
  C: its
  D: his
3. Choose The Best Answer:
"Please tell Mrs. Smith to come in."
"Sorry, I don't know ___."

  A: its
  B: him
  C: his
  D: her
4. Choose The Best Answer:
"I can't find my glasses!"
"You are wearing ___!"

  A: they 
  B: there
  C: them
  D: their
5. Choose The Best Answer:
"Do you like bananas?"
"I love ___ !"

  A: it
  B: them
  C: its
  D: their
6. Choose The Best Answer:
"Why is he always talking about Pamela Anderson?"
"He obviously likes ___ !"

  A: hers
  B: she
  C: him
  D: her
7. Choose The Best Answer:
"Have you met Tom and Lisa?"
"No, I have never met ___ ."

  A: them
  B: they
  C: their
  D: her
8. Choose The Best Answer:
"Is that Mary's new boyfriend?"
"Don't ask me, ask ___!"

  A: hers
  B: him
  C: her
  D: his
9. Choose The Best Answer:
"What is the title of that song?"
"I'm afraid I can't remember ___."

  A: them
  B: it
  C: its
  D: him
10. Choose The Best Answer:
"Why is David so happy?"
"His friends gave ___a guitar for his birthday!"

  A: he
  B: hers
  C: his
  D: him
11. Choose The Best Answer:
"Let's see the latest Spielberg movie!"
"I have seen ___ already!"

  A: its
  B: him
  C: it
  D: there
12. Choose The Best Answer:
"What are you going to do with those old papers?"
"I'm going to recycle ___."

  A: their
  B: it
  C: them
  D: they
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