Go, Do or Make

1. I'll ___ my homework later.
 A) do
 B) go
 C) make
2. He said he'll ___ to the party. I hope he does.
 A) do
 B) go
 C) make
3. I'll ___ to the doctors this afternoon.
 A) did
 B) make
 C) go
4. I’ll ___ dinner if you do the dishes afterwards.
 A) go
 B) make
 C) do
5.He enjoys my job, but He doesn’t ___ very much money.
 A) make
 B) do
 C) go
6. I have to ___ the laundry before we go out.
 A) make
 B) do
 C) go
7. If you ___ your best, nobody can ask for more.
 A) go
 B) make
 C) do
8. I always ___ to church on Sundays.
 A) go
 B) do
 C) make
9. Please excuse me – I need to ___ a phone call.
 A) make
 B) go
 C) do
10. If you wash the windows, I'll ___ the errands.
 A) do
 B) go
 C) make
11. I have guests visiting tonight so I should start ___ the housework now.
  A) going
  B) making
  C) doing
12. They're ___ plans for the weekend.
  A) going
  B) making
  C) doing
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