Reported / Indirect Speech - Exercise

Reported / Indirect Speech

Write the sentences in reported speech. Remember to change words like "here" and "today" because they are no longer true in reported speech. (Here = there, today = that day, this = that) Example: I said, "I will go there next week." I said I would go there the following week.
  1. I said, "She will be here later."
  2. I said, "I was at the park today."
  3. I said, "He will not give me anymore money."
  4. I said, "She is working today."
  5. I said, "I have been living here for two years."
  6. I said, "This coffee is delicious."
  7. I said, "I do not want to go back to Ohio."
  8. I said, "My watch has not been working for a while."
  9. I said, "They are not talking to me right now."
  10. I said, "We should go see a movie later."
Your Result is (1/10)

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