Question Tags

1. Choose The Best Answer:
Let's hire a new engineer for project, _____?
  A: shall we
  B: are we
  C: do we
  D: will we
2. Choose The Best Answer:
The dishes are dirty, _____?
  A: wasn't they
  B: isn't it
  C: was it
  D: aren't they
3. Choose The Best Answer:
They are going home from school, _____?
  A: didn't they
  B: are they
  C: have they
  D: aren't they
4. Choose The Best Answer:
Mary didn't do her homework last Monday, _____?
  A: did he
  B: didn't she
  C: did she
  D: was she
5. Choose The Best Answer:
Your neighbors went on vacation, ___?
  A: weren't they
  B: are they
  C: did they
  D: didn't they
6. Choose The Best Answer:
Steven won't be at the party, ___?
  A: won't he
  B: isn't it
  C: will he
  D: will you
7. Choose The Best Answer:
Nobody mentioned about the new employee, _____?
  A: did they
  B: isn't it
  C: didn't it
  D: did it
8. Choose The Best Answer:
This shirt is too big for me, ___?
  A: doesn't it
  B: isn't it
  C: does it
  D: is it
9. Choose The Best Answer:
We can go tomorrow, ___?
  A: won't we
  B: will we
  C: can't we
  D: can we
10. Choose The Best Answer:
Emily plays the piano well, ___?
  A: isn't it
  B: does she
  C: is she
  D: doesn't she
11. Choose The Best Answer:
The math test was very difficult, ___?
  A: isn't it
  B: wasn't it
  C: was it
  D: didn't it
12. Choose The Best Answer:
There's a lot of noise outside, ___?
  A: isn't it
  B: isn't there
  C: aren't there
  D: is there
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