Possessive adjectives and pronouns - Exercise

Aşağıda verilen kutulara mülkiyet belirten sıfat veya zamirlerden uygun olanını yazınız.

Example: I have a pencil, it's my pencil. It's mine.

1. She has a book, it's book.
2. The cat always eats all  food and falls asleep.
3. You have an umbrella, It's   .
4. The blue car isn’t my sister’s car. The green one is car.
5. They have some magazines, they're magazines.
6. Here is Bob's house. It's house.
7. These are Tom and Jackie's bags. They're bags.
8. I have a puppy. It's .
9. My brother doesn’t like new job.
10. It’s not theirs, it’s . We bought it yesterday.

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