Paragraph Test - 23

Answer the questions according to the reading passages.
In spite of the dangers of atomic war, the peaceful potential of nuclear energy was held out as the hope of the future, offering cheap, clean and unlimited energy. But early optimism and enthusiasm evaporated as the dangers of radiation and nuclear accidents became evident. In 1954, Japanese fishermen on the fishing boat "Lucky Dragon" were hospitalised with radiation sickness after being exposed to fallout from a US bomb test in the Pacific. Victims from Hiroshima and Nagasaki, where atom bombs had been dropped during World War II, fought sickness and suffering in the following decades. The near-disaster at Three Mile Island in 1979 put a halt to the American nuclear power program, and the 1986 explosion at Chernobyl exposed 600,000 people to lethal radiation.

1. As is pointed out in the passage, nuclear energy ----.

 A) was always known to be dangerous
 B) is our best hope for the future
 C) has been beneficial to mankind on several occasions
 D) may be safer than some people think
 E) proved to be more dangerous than was originally thought

2. It is clear from the passage that in 1954, ----.

 A) the United States dropped atom bombs on two Japanese cities
 B) people were for the most part aware of the dangers of nuclear radiation
 C) a Japanese fishing boat was close enough to a US nuclear test to be affected
 D) there was a strong possibility of a nuclear war between the big powers
 E) the first accident at a nuclear power plant took place

3. We learn from the passage that the survivors of the bombings at Hiroshima and Nagasaki ----.

 A) suffered from the effects for a long time
 B) were also exposed to radiation from nuclear tests in the Pacific
 C) kept fighting even after the horrible bombing
 D) have never been compensated for what happened to them
 E) were opposed to the peaceful use of atomic energy

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