Grammar Review Test - 14

Choose the appropriate word or word phrase to complete the sentences.
1. The plan ……....... eleven months earlier. After many years, my sister suddenly decided it was time to reinforce old family ties.
 A) has been hatched
 B) had been hatched
 C) was being hatched
 D) will have been hatched
 E) would be hatched
2. I realised afterwards that getting to Australia was a great achievement - as well as the knowledge that if you …....…... in advance, and save on a regular basis, you …....…... to go anywhere.
 A) are planning / can afford
 B) planned / could afford
 C) plan / can afford
 D) was planning / would afford
 E) had planned / can have afforded
3. The world output of sugar has been involved in a slow decline since 1984 ......., Cuba has increased production by 35 %.
 A) In contrast
 B) On the one hand
 C) On the contrary
 D) With respect to
 E) Meanwhile
4. They argue that the proposed development, ............. on the site of woodland dating back hundreds of years, ............. the country of several rare species of wildlife.
 A) having built / will rob
 B) built / would rob
 C) building / can rob
 D) to be built / will be rob
 E) to be built / must rob
5. That cut looks very nasty, madam. I really think you should get medical attention in no time ………..... it gets infected.
 A) until then
 B) while
 C) shortly after
 D) in case
 E) supposing that
6. .................. the widespread use of the antibiotics and vaccines, communicable diseases can now be effectively controlled in many parts of the world.
 A) In spite
 B) Despite
 C) Seeing as
 D) Whereas
 E) Through
7. The store wasn't big but the territory was completely unfamiliar, and there was no light ......... a weak illumination from a street light at the corner.
 A) in addition to
 B) with the exception
 C) except for
 D) to illustrate
 E) in agreement with
8. We walked down the steps, and I was surprised to find that …........... it was early summer, it wasn't particularly warm. It was jumper weather.
 A) although
 B) because
 C) due to
 D) in spite of
 E) despite
9. ......... providing an extremely high standard of education, the school offers a number of non-academic subjects, ranging from sport to drama.
 A) Furthermore
 B) In addition to
 C) For the purpose that
 D) Despite
 E) On such occasions
10. In social sciences a discourse ……....…… to be a instutionalized way of thinking, a social boundary defining what …...…….. about a specific topic.
 A) was considered / could be said
 B) considered / can said
 C) is considered / must be said
 D) has been considered / will be said
 E) is considered / can be said
11. It was quite strange having to write an essay after many years, particularly after being a journalist ............... you have to say things as briefly as possible.
 A) where
 B) whose
 C) which
 D) that
 E) however
12. The only reason why he couldn't get a promotion was that he simply worked ........... to get one.
 A) lazily enough
 B) so lazy
 C) lazy enough
 D) very lazily
 E) too lazily
13. Silvia is .......... the girl who once dazzled every boy in school with her striking beauty.
 A) any more
 B) no longer
 C) any longer
 D) no more
 E) much more
14. .......... the discovery that numerous migratory songbirds can thrive in defrosted wintering spots is heartening, the fact remains that these birds are dying at unusual rates.
 A) While
 B) As soon
 C) By the time
 D) Until
 E) Just as
15. Bacon's philosophy of using an inductive approach to nature was in strict contrast with the earlier, Aristotelian approach of deduction , .............. analysis of "known facts" produced further understanding.
 A) which
 B) where
 C) by which
 D) whose
 E) what
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