Cloze Test - 19

Verilen parçada numaralanmış yerlere uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.
For better or worse, English has become the most global of languages. With about 330 million native speaker, and possibly (1)………….. 400 million who learned it (2)………. in life, it is the most studied, most borrowed from, most important language (3)………. the world, and it is the language of international aviation. More than 40 countries claim English as their (4)………., official or semi-official tongue. Roughly two-thirds of all scientific papers, and nearly half of (5)………….. European business deals and 70 per cent of the world's mail depend on English.

 A) the other
 B) otherwise
 C) another
 D) therefore
 E) others

 A) befoer
 B) while
 C) when
 D) during
 E) later

 A) in
 B) on
 C) at
 D) by
 E) with

 A) side
 B) native
 C) subordinate
 D) common
 E) mutual

 A) some
 B) having placed
 C) none
 D) all
 E) either

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