Cloze Test - 15

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Tooth decay is dealt with by drilling out the decayed matter and filling up the resulting cavity. All decay and weakened areas must be removed, (1)…………. decay will continue beneath the filling. Also the cavity must be shaped (2)………… the filling will stay in securely and withstand pressure from chewing. High-speed electric drills are now usual and (3)…………. is the use of an injected local anesthetic to make the procedure painless. A lining of chemical cement is put into the prepared cavity to (4)…………. the pulp from heat and chemicals. The filling, (5)…………. on top of this, is usually an amalgam of silver, tin, copper, zinc alloy and mercury.

 A) however
 B) otherwise
 C) novertheless
 D) therefore
 E) furthermore

 A) so as to
 B) such that
 C) so that
 D) although
 E) while

 A) such
 B) nor
 C) both
 D) so
 E) because

 A) disrupt
 B) protect
 C) restore
 D) evaluate
 E) debug

 A) being placed
 B) having placed
 C) was placed
 D) to place
 E) placed

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