Translation (Turkish - English) - Test - 7

1. Sana durmadan bağırdığını söylediğin kişinin kim olduğunu bilseydim, bilmeni isterim ki, yapabileceğim birşeyler olurdu.
  A) I want you to know that if I know who is continually shouting at you, I will be able to do something about it.
  B) Unless you tell me who the person who is repeatedly shouting at you is, you can't expect me to do anything about him.
  C) I would like you to know that there would be something I could do if I knew who the person you say keeps shouting at you is.
  D) You should know that I would be able to do something about the guy who keeps shouting at you even if you didn't tell me who he is.
  E) There would be something for me to do if you were to tell me who the person that is continually shouting at you is and you should know this.
2. Yürütülen yoğun araştırmalara rağmen, Mısır Havayollarına ait uçağın geçen ay okyanus üzerinde neden düştüğü hala anlaşılamadı.
  A) Although intensive Investigations have been carried out. the reason why the airplane of Egypt Airlines crashed last month over the Atlantic Ocean has not still been understood.
  B) The reason why the airplane of Egypt Airlines crashed has not still been understood although intensive investigations have been carried out last month over the Atlantic.
  C) The intensive investigations carried out did not explain the reason why the airplane of Egypt Airlines crashed last month over the Atlantic Ocean.
  D) Despite intensive investigations carried out. the reason why the airplane of Egypt Airlines crashed last month over the Atlantic Ocean has not still been understood.
  E) In the end of the intensive investigations carried out, the reason why the airplane of Egypt Airlines crashed last month over the Atlantic Ocean has not been understood./td>
3. 10 yıl önce-onu felç eden hastalığa yakalanmasaydı, belki bir çok dünya rekoruna daha imza atardı.
  A) Had a crippling disease not disabled her 10 years ago, maybe she could have broken a few more world records.
  B) If she hadn't broken a few more world records a decade ago, perhaps she wouldn't have been paralysed due to a crippling disease.
  C) If only she hadn't been crippled by a catastrophic disease 10 years ago, she probably would have broken a lot more world records.
  D) Because she was disabled by a crippling disease a decade ago, she couldn't break any more world records.
  E) If she hadn't developed the disease that crippled her 10 years ago, she presumably would have broken many more world records.
4. Edward Said'in kitapları Orientalism ve Culture and Imperialism, entelektüellerin ilgisini sömürgeciliğin sanat üzerindeki etkisine yöneltmiştir.
  A) Edward Said, who wrote Orientalism and Culture and Imperialism in order to disclose the effects of colonialism on the arts, had an influence on intellectuals.
  B) Edward Said's books, Orientalism and Culture and Imperialism, directed intellectuals' attention to the effects of colonialism on the arts.
  C) Intellectuals' attention was directed to the effects of colonialism on the arts by Edward Said's books, Orientalism and Culture and Imperialism.
  D) Orientalism and Culture and Imperialism, Edward Said's books on the arts, impressed the intellectuals during the colonial period.
  E) Edward Said, an intellectual and the author of Orientalism and Culture and Imperialism, drew attention to the influence of colonialism on the arts.
5. Avrupalılar, ilk olarak bir Polinezya halkı olan Maorilerin yaşadığı Yeni Zelanda'ya, ada 184O'ta İngiliz kolonisi olduktan sonra yerleşmiştir.
  A) After Britain colonised New Zealand in 1840, Europeans began to live oh the island, which had been the native land of the Maoris, a Polynesian people.
  B) New Zealand, initially inhabited by the Maoris, a Polynesian people, was settled by Europeans after Britain colonised the island in 1840.
  C) Formerly inhabited by a Polynesian people called the Maoris, New Zealand was settled by Europeans in 1840, when the island became a British colony.
  D) New Zealand was colonised by the British in 1840, after which Europeans began to settle in the island, alongside the native Maoris, a Polynesian people.
  E) Europeans settled in New Zealand, originally inhabited by the Maoris, a Polynesian people, after the island became a British colony in 1840.
6. Sağırların kullandığı işaret dillerince de kanıtlandığı gibi, duygularımızı ifade etmekte faydalandığımız sesler insan dilinin gerekli bir parçası değildir.
  A) As evidenced by the sign languages of the deaf, the sounds we utilize to express our feelings are not a necessary aspect of human language.
  B) The sign languages that deaf people use prove that the sounds in human language expressing our feelings are in fact not the vital part.
  C) The deaf’s sign languages prove, by not making use of the speech sounds in human language, that they are not necessary to articulate our feelings.
  D) It is clearly observed that, human language is still effective to communicate feelings without the aspect of speech sounds, the evidence of which is the sign languages utilized by deaf people.
  E) The use of speech sounds not a basic part of what we call human language, because, for example, the deaf do not necessarily need to use them.

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