Determiners Grammar Test - 5

Choose the appropriate word or word phrase to complete the sentences.
1. She's looking for .......... to live, but isn't interested in ......... over five hundred dollars a month.
 A) something/anything
 B) somewhere/anywhere
 C) someone/anyone
 D) nowhere/nothing
 E) everywhere/everything
2. I don't like staying with my aunt because she disapproves of ....... I do and won't let me go ....... by myself.
 A) everything/anywhere
 B) everywhere/anything
 C) something/everywhere
 D) somewhere/nowhere
 E) nothing/nobody
3. ……... dinosaurs were ferocious meat eaters, while ……... were inoffensive vegetarians. Yet some are believed to have eaten both meat and vegetation.
 A) Many/another
 B) Other/the rest
 C) A few/the others
 D) Some/others
 E) Most/none
4. If you really want to read ......... special, you should consult to the city library; you can find ............ interesting here.
 A) anything / something
 B) anywhere / everything
 C) something / nothing
 D) everywhere / anything
 E) no thing / everything
5. ......... farming in South America is subsistence, which means that the farmers raise only ........ to feed themselves with little left over to market.
 A) Many/a little
 B) Some/a few
 C) Several/as much
 D) Most/enough
 E) Plenty of/as many
6. When you experience a profound change in .........., you are far more likely to see possibility and opportunity in situations in which ............ may only see limitations.
 A) you/some
 B) yours/the others
 C) yourself/others
 D) on your own/another
 E) your/one another
7. Although a skilled horseman uses the reins for ........ effects, an inexperienced rider uses them for only ........ basically to direct and to lead.
 A) any/more
 B) many/a few
 C) little/a little
 D) much/several
 E) several/few
8. It was such a shame! My mother-in-law put ......... food on the table, but because I was recovering from the flu, I ate hardly ......... of it.
 A) a lot of/any
 B) all/much
 C) several/little
 D) plenty of/none
 E) a little/some
9. Spanish kings collected masterpieces of art from ........ part of Europe, but ........ surpassed the great works of Spain's own painters.
 A) every/none
 B) all/some
 C) each/only a few
 D) many/little
 E) any/neither
10. While you're out, could you buy ……….. photocopy paper, because we only have ..…….. at the moment?
 A) a/a few
 B) plenty/some
 C) any/none
 D) some/a little
 E) much/enough
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