Determiners Grammar Test - 4

Choose the appropriate word or word phrase to complete the sentences.
1. The comedienne didn't get .......... applause from the audience as .......... of them thought that her jokes were in bad taste.
 A) many / much
 B) lots / a lot
 C) several / some
 D) much / many
 E) very / fewer
2. ........ people would say he is a bit of snobbish type, but he pales into insignificance next to ......... who have more to say in testing techniques.
 A) Most / them
 B) None of / the others
 C) Plenty of / those
 D) A large number of / most
 E) Some of / himself
3. Because of the business they started, they were able to make ……. money which helped them overcome their difficulties to ………. extent.
 A) few / a little
 B) some / lesser
 C) a few / a few
 D) little / great
 E) a little / some
4. The two divers relied completely on .......... If one's air tank failed, .......... would have to share his.
 A) one another / the others
 B) each other / the other
 C) each other / the others
 D) some other / each other
 E) any other / the other
5. Statistics shows that ......... B.A degrees in recent years has been conferring in the fields of business management education and social sciences.
 A) the greatest number of
 B) the large amount of
 C) a great amount of
 D) the whole of
 E) much of
6. The teacher said that if Joseph caused ......... trouble in class, she would send his mother a letter.
 A) far fewer
 B) a number of
 C) so many
 D) several
 E) any more
7. Although some large companies and arms dealers make ………. money whenever there is a war, most people believe that there is ………… war and suffering in the world.
 A) enough / a few
 B) plenty of / too much
 C) a great deal / enough
 D) much / some
 E) many / a lot of
8. You might have ......... confidence in them, but I have ........ reason to think they will help us come over our financial problems.
 A) much / little
 B) a lot / no
 C) either / any
 D) enough / several
 E) not / enough
9. Every year about this time, for a tantalisingly short while a week or two at most - an amazing thing happens in New England ............. area explodes in colour ............. those trees that for months have formed sombre green backdrop suddenly burst into a million glowing tints.
 A) Several / Every
 B) Each / Several
 C) The whole / All
 D) Some / Some
 E) Too many / Both
10. In traditional Chinese philosophy, all phenomena are classified in terms of two opposing but complementary principles: ………., which includes sky, the sun, warmth, activity and masculinity, is called yan, and ……….., which includes the Earth, the Moon, coldness, passivity and femininity is called yin.
 A) other / some other
 B) another / one
 C) each other / some
 D) ones / others
 E) one / the other
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