Determiners Grammar Test - 2

Choose the appropriate word or word phrase to complete the sentences.
1. You should take better care of ....... if you want to live to see....... grandchildren.
 A) yours / you
 B) yourself / your
 C) your / your own
 D) you / yourself
 E) your own / yours
2. Susan was very proud of ....... when a photo of ....... was published in a local paper.
 A) her / itself
 B) her own / them
 C) herself / hers
 D) itself / her
 E) she / her own
3. The word deafness is used to describe .......... degree of hearing loss, though it is most commonly used where there is ......... total inability to hear.
 A) some / much
 B) the / some
 C) a / many
 D) every / none
 E) any / a
4. Though ………… of the migrants coming to Istanbul hope to make their fortunes in the city, in fact, ……… will achieve even relative prosperity.
 A) whole / many
 B) every / some
 C) each / a few
 D) all / very few
 E) more / every
5. ………. brands are equally effective against stains, so ………. brand will help remove the olive oil stain on your shirt.
 A) Both / either
 B) Most / no
 C) A few / most
 D) Many / all
 E) Each / every
6. The Olympic Games have been held ……… four years since 1896, with ……… exception of the years 1916,1940 and 1944, when the world was at war.
 A) each / an
 B) some / any
 C) all / some
 D) every / the
 E) the whole / --
7. There are exits at ……….. ends of the platform and you can take ……… of them, as it makes no difference.
 A) both / either
 B) all / some
 C) any / all
 D) each / one
 E) every / any
8. Their beliefs and values will coincide with ........, but they should also be unique with ……... own special faults and traits.
 A) her / my
 B) him / hers
 C) mine / their
 D) ours / theirs
 E) me / mine
9. If we had had .......... ten thousand pounds, we would have bought ........... house we were shown last week.
 A) another / the other
 B) other / the others
 C) another / another
 D) some other / the others
 E) any other / another
10. Students should be provided with engaging ways to learn about how generations learn from .......... while continuing to develop and strengthen ........... skills.
 A) the others / its
 B) one another / their
 C) themselves / his
 D) each other / much
 E) another / theirs
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