Determiners Grammar Test - 1

Choose the appropriate word or word phrase to complete the sentences.
1. ………… of the inhabitants had fled the scene of the destruction, but ……….. huddled under plastic sheeting in the ruins.
 A) All / any
 B) Each / lots of
 C) Some / much
 D) Most / a few
 E) Much / a little
2. ………. citizen of Australia is required, by law, to vote in elections, whereas in America , only ……… who want to vote do so.
 A) Any / others
 B) Each / one
 C) Either / those
 D) All / that
 E) Every / the ones
3. ………. was Charlotte late for work, ……….. she also arrived dressed inappropriately, so the boss gave her a stern warning.
 A) Either / or
 B) Neither / nor
 C) Not only / but
 D) The more / the less
 E) Hardly / when
4. Although the annual average income in Kuwait is $17,000 per person, what ……… person earns varies greatly from that figure, as most of the country's wealth is owned by the emir and his family, while ……… of the people are somewhat poor.
 A) every / other
 B) all / the other
 C) any / all
 D) each / the rest
 E) one / both
5. Since we don't want Sharon to know about our surprise party, I expect ……….. of you will tell her …………. about it.
 A) some / somewhere
 B) none / anything
 C) either / everything
 D) all / somebody
 E) every / nothing
6. We took ……… unforgettable cruise on …….. Mediterranean over the summer.
 A) -- / a
 B) the / --
 C) an / the
 D) some / the
 E) the / some
7. Archaeological evidence shows that there has been ……… awareness for 2000 years that ……… two people have identical fingerprints.
 A) an / no
 B) some / both
 C) the / few
 D) a / none
 E) -- / any
8. The travel agent has told me that there is ………. likelihood of getting tickets at this stage, so I’m afraid there doesn't seem to be ………. chance of us getting on the flight.
 A) few / a lot of
 B) any / some
 C) a little / any
 D) no / plenty
 E) little / much
9. The short story as we know ............ today first appeared in the 19th century, when ............ magazine had just been invented and magazine editors wanted short fiction and articles.
 A) them / its
 B) it / the
 C) its / a
 D) theirs / it
 E) itself / --
10. The book about the married life of the footballer David Beckham and .......... wife, Victoria, a singer, will probably be a best seller, despite the couple ........ being against its publication.
 A) his / themselves
 B) him / himself
 C) himself / them
 D) his own / their
 E) its / itself
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