Adverbials & Transitional Words Test - 3

Choose the appropriate word or word phrase to complete the sentences.
1. There is a local train which departs five minutes earlier than the express. It arrives in Birmingham 20 minutes later …….. .
 A) though
 B) already
 C) too
 D) still
 E) yet
2. He is ........... a waif and a stray everywhere ............ he is liable to be drifted where any current may set.
 A) so / that
 B) as / as
 C) more / than
 D) so / as
 E) such / that
3. ............. a catastrophe could impact a significant portion of the infrastructure within a country, the losses to the infrastructure are correlated.
 A) Though
 B) Even if
 C) Since
 D) Unless
 E) Due to
4. They spoke to the police about the incident ............. they would not be called as witnesses.
 A) even if
 B) even though
 C) in case
 D) on condition that
 E) as if
5. Nobody can be a good teacher .............. she or he has feelings of warm affection towards his pupils.
 A) despite
 B) unless
 C) although
 D) however
 E) because
6. Although a huge Tsunami pummeled the northern coast of Japan, no one died ……… the mandatory evacuations enacted by the government.
 A) when
 B) although
 C) since
 D) moreover
 E) due to
7. ............ my father has retired, he spends most of his time working in the garden.
 A) Now that
 B) As soon as
 C) If only
 D) Once
 E) By the time
8. I'm pretty sure that the landlord will be hassling to us about the rent all through next month .............. we delay paying it again.
 A) before
 B) when
 C) unless
 D) if
 E) due to
9. The committee says the facility will be finished before the Games start. ..........., they claim that it will be the best in the country.
 A) So that
 B) Because
 C) Furthermore
 D) Yet
 E) On the other hand
10. A lot of commuters have found that bicycle Is a good way of getting around town. ............ they leave their cars at home and cycle to work.
 A) Because
 B) Consequently
 C) Besides
 D) Moreover
 E) Whereas
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