Translation (Turkish - English) - Test - 6

1. Herhangi bir malın aşın üretimi, piyasada fiyatların aniden düşmesine neden olabilecek bir bolluğa yol açacağı için sorunlar yaratabilir.
  A) Overproduction of any commodity can create problems as it can lead to a glut in the market, which causes prices to fall sharply.
  B) Overproduction of any commodity can create problems as it can lead to a glut in the market, which may cause prices to fall sharply.
  C) Underproduction of any commodity can create problems as it can lead to a glut in the market, which may cause prices to fall sharply.
  D) Overproduction of any commodity can create problems as it can lead to a glut in the shops, which may cause prices to fall sharply.
  E) Overproduction of any service can create problems as it lead to a glut in the markets, which may cause prices to fall sharply.
2. Taraflar, işçilerin üç yıl için, yılda en az yüzde üç oranında zam alması gerektiğine karar verdiler.
  A) The parties decided that workers should receive an increase of at least three percent a year, for three years.
  B) Workers will get a three percent increase of salary, when they select the new party.
  C) It's decided that the new workers will work three years more for the parties to get an increase for a year.
  D) At least a three percent increase will be done for workers by parties in a three year period.
  E) After three years the parties decided that workers would receive a rise of at least three percent in a year.
3. Vardıktan hemen sonra, araştırmacıların hayvanları neyin öldürdüğünü bulabilmeleri için birkaç kemik topladı.
  A) As soon as he arrived, he collected a lot of bones so that the researchers would be able to find out what the animals killed.
  B) Immediately he arrived, he collected some bones in order to find out what had killed the animals.
  C) No sooner had he arrived than he collected some bones so that the researchers could find out what the animals killed.
  D) Just before he arrived, he was able to find some useful bones to find out who had killed the researchers.
  E) Just after he arrived, he collected some bones so that the researchers would be able to find out what had killed the animals.
4. Dalga kıranlar her zaman kıyıya paraleldirler ve rüzgâr nasıl eserse essin kıvrımın keskin olduğu yerler hariç her zaman kıyının şeklini alırlar.
  A) The breakers which are always parallel to the coast always shape themselves to it where the curve is not sharp regardless of the wind.
  B) Always parallel to the coast, the breakers shape themselves in places where the wind blows if the curve is sharp.
  C) The breakers always are parallel to the coast and shape themselves to it except where the curve is sharp however the wind blows.
  D) The breakers, always parallel to the coast, shape themselves to it except in places whose curve is sharp however hard the wind blows.
  E) However the wind blows, the breakers shape themselves to the coast which is parallel to the places where there is a curve no matter how the wind blows.
5. Tarihteki bazı önemli olaylar, halkın kendi yöneticilerinin koymuş olduğu vergilere karşı yaptıkları protestoların bir sonucu olarak meydana gelmiştir.
  A) Some important events in history were caused as a result of the people's protests against paying taxes.
  B) Some important events in history were caused as a result of the people's protests against taxes imposed by their rulers.
  C) Some important events in history were caused not to pay the taxes imposed by the rulers.
  D) Some taxes imposed by the rulers became the reason of some important events in history.
  E) Some important events were the results of high taxes imposed by the rulers.
6. Milyonlarca yıl fosilleşmiş amberler içine gömülerek saklanan böcekler, modern hastalıklara savaş açabilen yeni nesil antibiyotik ilaçları yaratmadaki anahtarı bulmuştur.
  A) Insects fossilised amber for tens of millions of years have found the key to creating a new generation of antibiotic drugs that could fight against modern diseases.
  B) Insects entombed in fossilised amber for years have reached the solutions to creating a new generation of antibiotic drugs that could wage war on modern diseases.
  C) Insects entombed in fossilized amber for tens of millions of years have provided the key to creating a new generation of antibiotic drugs that could wage war on modern diseases.
  D) Insects kept in fossilised amber for tens of millions of years have found the remedy to creating a new generation of antibiotic drugs that could struggle along modern diseases.
  E) Insects which were kept in fossilised amber for tens of millions of years have provided the cure to a new generation of antibiotic drugs that could wage war on modern diseases.

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