Translation (Turkish - English) - Test - 5

1. Bir hata yapmış olabileceğinden korktuğundan, genç bilim adamı kendisinden daha deneyimli meslektaşlarından birini çağırdı.
  A) The reason why the young scientist called a more experienced colleague is that he may have made a mistake.
  B) The young scientist called one of his more experienced colleagues because he was afraid to make mistakes.
  C) Fearing that he might have made a mistake, the young scientist called one of his more experienced colleagues.
  D) The young scientist called one of his more experienced colleagues for fear that he might make a mistake.
  E) The young scientist was called by one of his more experienced colleagues because he might have made a mistake.
2. Bugünlerde pek çok insan, işlerinden elde ettiği gelirin masraflarını kesinlikle aştığı gerçeğini kabul ediyor görünmektedir.
  A) In these days, many people seem to accept the fact that the income from their jobs exceeds their expenses.
  B) Today, many people seem to accept the fact that the income from their jobs definitely exceeds their expenses.
  C) In these days, many people seem to accept the fact that the income from their jobs definitely meets their expenses.
  D) In these days, many people seem to accept the fact that the income from their jobs definitely exceeds their expenses.
  E) Today, many people seem to accept the fact that the income from their jobs is definitely insufficient for their expenses.
3. Dil öğrenme yeteneğiyle doğduğumuzdan ve dili kullanmak zorunda olduğumuz bir topluluk içinde büyüdüğümüzden, ilk dilimizi oldukça iyi öğreniriz.
  A) Since we are born in a community in which we use the ability to learn a language, we have to learn our first language fairly well.
  B) We can learn our first language fairly well because we are born with the ability to learn a language that we will have to use while growing up in a community.
  C) Born with the ability to learn a language and growing up in a community in which we have to use the language, we learn our first language fairly well.
  D) As we grow up in a community in which we are born and we have to use the ability to learn a language, we learn our first language fairly well.
  E) Inasmuch as we are born with the ability to learn a language and we grow up in a community in which the language have to be used, we learn our first language fairly well.
4. Pek çok çocuk her gün saatlerce televizyon seyrederler ve çocuk programlarını izlemelerine rağmen, şiddet ve terör sahneleriyle karşılaşırlar.
  A) Many children watch television for several hours everyday, and even though they watch children's programs, they like scenes of violence and terror.
  B) Many children watch television for several hours everyday, and even though they watch children's programs, they prefer scenes of violence and terror.
  C) Many children watch television for several hours everyday, and even though there are children's programs, they are confronted with scenes of violence and terror.
  D) Many children watch television for several hours everyday, and even though they prefer children's programs, they watch scenes of violence and terror.
  E) Many children watch television for several hours everyday, and even though they watch children's programs, they are confronted with scenes of violence and terror.
5. Enflasyon sadece paranın değerinin düşürülmesi değil, aynı zamanda o ülke hükümetinin ekonomik politikası ve yeni bir yaşam tarzı anlamına gelmektedir.
  A) Inflation does not mean the devaluation of money; however, it means a new way of life and economical policy of the government of that country.
  B) Not only does inflation mean the devaluation, but also it means a new way of life and economical policy of that country.
  C) Inflation is neither the devaluation of money nor the new way of life and economical policy of that government.
  D) Inflation means the devaluation of money and a new way of life and economical policy of the government of that country.
  E) Inflation does not only mean the devaluation of money but it also means a new way of life and economical policy of the government of that country.
6. The cartoon story is an art form belonging to urban culture and it has developed in different ways in each country, because it is closely bound up with the culture of the society to which it belongs.
  A) Çizgi romanın ilgilendiği konu her ülkeye ait şehir kültürüdür çünkü o toplumda gerçekleşen gelişmelerle yakından ilgilidir.
  B) Çizgi roman şehir kültürüne ait bir sanat kültürüdür ve her ülkede farklı gelişmeler gösterir çünkü ait olduğu toplumun kültürüyle yakından ilgilidir.
  C) Şehir kültürüne ait olan çizgi roman her ülkede ait olduğu topluma göre farklı gelişmeler gösterir.
  D) Çizgi roman, her ülkeye ait gelişmeler gösteren şehir kültürüne bağlı bir sanat türüdür ve ait olduğu toplumun kültürüyle yakından ilgilidir.
  E) Çizgi roman, her ülkede şehir kültürüne ait olduğu için toplum ve onun içindeki farklı gelişmeler ile yakından ilgilidir.

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