Translation (Turkish - English) - Test - 4

1. Para bir değişim aracı olarak kabul edildiği için, bütün mal ve hizmetlerin de bir değer ölçüsü olarak iş görür.
  A) Since money is accepted as a medium of exchange, it also functions as a measure of value of all goods and services.
  B) Since money is a medium of exchange, it also functions as a measure of value of value of all goods and services.
  C) Since money is known as a medium of exchange, it also functions as a measure of value of all goods and services.
  D) Money functions as a medium of exchange and a measure of value of all goods and services.
  E) Being a medium of exchange and a measure of value of all goods and services is a function of money.
2. Üç yıl süren savaşta 1600 den fazla çocuğun öldüğü bu şehirde, Salı günü gece yarısını 2 dakika geçe doğan bir erkek çocuğu insan ırkının altı milyarıncı üyesi olarak karşılandı.
  A) In this city where more than 1600 children died in three years of war, a baby boy born at 2 minutes past midnight Tuesday, was welcomed as the six billionth member of the human race.
  B) In three years of war, more than 1600 cildren died in this city in which a baby boy was welcomed as the six billionth member of the human race at 2 minutes past midnight Tuesday.
  C) More than 1600 children died in this city in three years, at the end of which a baby welcomed as the six billionth member of the human race was born at midnight Tuesday.
  D) A baby boy born at 2 minutes past midnight Tuesday was welcomed as the six billionth member of the human race at the end of the three years of war which caused the death of 1600 children in this city.
  E) At 2 minutes past midnight Tuesday in this city which witnessed three years of war, a baby boy was welcomed as the six billionth member of the human race.
3. Orman yangınları insanların dikkatsizce kaldırıp attıkları kırık camlardan veya sigara izmaritlerinden meydana gelir.
  A) Forests are burnt by broken glass or cigarettes which are thrown away carelessly.
  B) Forest fires are the result of broken glass or cigarettes which are thrown away carelessly.
  C) Broken glass and cigarettes thrown away carelessly cause forest fires.
  D) Forest fires are caused by people's throwing away broken glass or cigarettes carelessly.
  E) Forest fires are caused by broken glass or cigarettes which are carelessly thrown away by people.
4. Dennis, şirketinin kendisine Singapur’da bir iş teklif ettiğini, fakat başka biri kendisine Japonya’da çok daha iyi bir iş sözü verdiği için kabul etmeyeceğini söylüyor.
  A) Dennis says his firm has offered him a job in Singapore, but that he won’t take it because someone else has promised him a much better job in Japan.
  B) Dennis is saying that his firm has been offered a job in Singapore ,yet that he won’t accept it because someone else has been promised a better job in Japan.
  C) Dennis said that he wouldn’t take the job his firm offered him in Singapore because somebody else promised him much better job in Japan.
  D) Since he was promised a much better job in Japan by someone else,Dennis has said that his firm offered him a job he won’t accept.
  E) Dennis is said to have been offered a job in Singapore by firm but he says that he won’t take it because someone else promised him a better job in Japan.
5. 21. yüzyılda ekonominin en önemli parametresi olan teknoloji Orta Doğu'nun tamamına yakınının iyi organize edemediği bir konudur.
  A) In the 21st century, technology, which is the most important issue in our economy, is an affair which has remained completely disorganized in most of the Eastern world.
  B) In the 21st century, technology, which is the most important parameter in the economy, is a matter which almost all of the Middle East has not been able to organize well.
  C) Technology, the most prominent issue in a country's economy, is a problem which is not efficiently organized in most of the Middle East.
  D) Towards the 21st century, technology, as the most important instrument of economy, has not yet developed in most Middle East countries.
  E) From the beginning of the 21st century, technology, which is the most significant component in the economy, is a matter which is not well organized in most Middle East countries.
6. Bağbozumu sırasında yapılacak en iyi şey bir bağ evinde kalmak ve Manisa’da yetiştirilen dokuz çeşit üzümü tatmaktır.
  A) During the grape harvest, the best thing is not to stay in a vineyard house but taste the nine different kinds of grapes grown in Manisa.
  B) The best thing to do during the grape harvest is to stay in a vineyard house and taste the nine different kinds of grapes grown in Manisa.
  C) The nine different kinds of grapes grown in Manisa are the best grapes to taste in a vineyard house during the grape harvest.
  D) The best thing to do during the grape harvest is neither to stay in a vineyard house nor to taste the nine different kinds of grapes grown in Manisa.
  E) The best thing to do in Manisa during the grape harvest is to taste the nine different kinds of grapes grown in vineyard houses.

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