Translation (Turkish - English) - Test - 3

1. Ormanlar sadece büyük miktarda kereste temin etmekle kalmaz, aynı zamanda toprak erozyonunun azalmasına yardımcı olur ve toprağa doğal güzellik ekler.
  A) Forests supply a great amount of timber and help reduce soil erosion and add natural beauty to the land.
  B) Forests only supply a great amount of timber and reduce soil erosion and add natural beauty to the land.
  C) Forests not only supply a great amount of timber but also help reduce soil erosion and add natural beauty to the land.
  D) We produce a great amount of timber from forests and they also help reduce soil erosion and add natural beauty to the land.
  E) Forests do not supply a great amount of timber, help reduce soil erosion nor do they add natural beauty to the land.
2. Kemikler güçlü olmalıdır, çünkü bütün vücudu destekleyen çatı veya iskeleti oluştururlar.
  A) It's expected that bones must be strong as they form the framework or skeleton supporting the whole body.
  B) Bones must be strong because they form the framework or skeleton that supports the whole body.
  C) As bones form the framework and skeleton that support the whole body, they must be very strong.
  D) Bones should be strong enough to support the framework which forms the skeleton of the whole body.
  E) Bones should be very strong as they form the framework and skeleton which support the whole body.
3. İlaçlar vücut üzerindeki yararlı etkileri için yazılma¬larına karşın, istenmeyen yan etkileri ve reaksiyonları da olabilir.
  A) Despite the fact that drugs are prescribed for their beneficial effects on the body, they also have undesirable side effects or reactions.
  B) Despite the fact that drugs are advised for their beneficial effects on the body, they may also have undesirable side effects or reactions.
  C) Despite the fact that drugs are prescribed for their beneficial effects on the body, they may also have undesirable side effects or reactions.
  D) Despite the fact that drugs are known to have beneficial effects on the body, they may also have undesirable side effects or reactions.
  E) Despite the fact that drugs are prescribed for their beneficial effects on the body, they may also have desirable side effects and reactions.
4. Bir müddet sonra konuşma tam umduğum gibi kaçınılmaz bir biçimde buluşmamızın gerçek amacına doğru kaydı.
  A) The conversation drifted inevitably towards the real purpose of our meeting because I had expected it to be Iike that.
  B) When the conversation drifted inevitably towards the real purpose of our meeting, I had expected it for a while.
  C) Soon afterwards, the conversation drifted towards the real purpose of our meeting, for which I had been expecting.
  D) After a while, the conversation drifted inevitably towards the real purpose of our meeting, just as I had expected.
  E) The conversation drifted inevitably towards the purpose of meeting, just as I had expected for a while.
5. Bir Rus subayı aç Almanların fili kovaladığını ve öldürmeye çalıştığını görünce askerlerine fili korumalarını ve onu öldürmeye çalışan herkesi vurmalarını emretti.
  A) When a Russian commander saw hungry Germans chasing the elephant and trying to kill it, he ordered his soldiers to protect it and shoot anyone who tried to kill it.
  B) Once the Russian commander saw hungry Germans following the elephant in order to kill it, he ordered the troops to protect that elephant by shooting anyone who tried to kill it.
  C) The Russian commander who had seen hungry Germans chasing the elephant and trying to kill it, immediately ordered the soldiers to save it and shoot those who tried to kill it.
  D) As soon as a Russian commander saw the Germans following the elephant which they were trying to kill it, he ordered his soldiers to shoot anyone who tried to kill it.
  E) Not much Iater, the Russian commander who saw the hungry German chasing an elephant trying to kill it ordered his troops to save the elephant and shoot anyone who tried to kill it.
6. Atatürk’ün ilkeleri ve reformları doğrultusunda, Türkiye Cumhuriyetini laiklik, demokrasi ve hukukun üstünlüğü çerçevesinden uzaklaştırmayı hedefleyen her hareketin karşısında olduk ve her zaman olacağız.
  A) In line with Atatürk’s principles and reforms, we have been and will always be against any movement aimed at deviating the Turkish Republic from its framework of secularism, democracy and the supremacy of law.
  B) Acording to Atatürk’s principles and reforms, we have always stood and will always stand against the movements aiming to undermine the Turkish Republic by destroying the secularism, democracy and the supremacy of law.
  C) Atatürk’s principles and reforms encourage us to fight against any movement to take the Turkish Republic from the principles of secularism, democracy and the supremacy of law.
  D) Thanks to Atatürk’s principles and reforms we have always fought and will continue to fight against any movement aiming to deviate the Turkish Republic from the framework of secularism, democracy and the supremacy of law.
  E) In accordance with Atatürk’s principle and reforms we have always been against any movement aiming to deviate the Turkish Republic from the secularism, democracy and the supremacy of law.

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