Passive & Causatives Test - 2

Choose the appropriate word or word phrase to complete the sentences.
1. Before the first term …….. to an end, the new nursing programme ……. by the Curriculum Committee and the Board of Trustees.
 A) came / approved
 B) had come / approved
 C) comes / was approved
 D) came / had been approved
 E) has come / had approved
2. Top fashion models often spend hundreds of pounds ….… in order to be more beautiful.
 A) getting straightened their teeth
 B) straightening their teeth
 C) getting their teeth straightened
 D) having got their teeth straightened
 E) having straightened their teeth
3. Since it was suffering a lot, we had our dog ............ painlessly.
 A) to kill
 B) killing
 C) kill
 D) being killed
 E) killed
4. Although the government ……. to lower down the tobacco use lately, a leading tobacco producer …….. about $5.4 million worth of tobacco products until now.
 A) was trying / sold
 B) had tried / had sold
 C) has been trying / has sold
 D) tries / will have sold
 E) tried / would have sold
5. I cannot make the TV ............... I think there is something wrong with it.
 A) to work
 B) working
 C) worked
 D) work
 E) having worked
6. She .......... interested in health ever since she was a young girl and now that the medical college ........ her as a student, it seems that she will be able to work In the medical field.
 A) was/accepted
 B) has been/has accepted
 C) is/Is accepting
 D) is being/accepts
 E) was/was accepting
7. His father won't let Tom ………. the motorbike until he ……… old enough.
 A) to ride /get
 B) ride / will get
 C) ride / gets
 D) riding / would get
 E) to be rode / gets
8. Your beard is really too long and it seems disgusting. You have to get it …….... as soon possible.
 A) trimmed
 B) trimming
 C) trims
 D) to trim
 E) to be trimmed
9. Sugar-free chewing gums ........... in the 1950s, and by the 1980s several brands ………. on the market.
 A) were introducing/were appearing
 B) were introduced/had appeared
 C) had been introduced/will appear
 D) would have introduced/appeared
 E) have been introduced/would be appearing
10. Did the general ............ the soldiers march all night as usual?
 A) made
 B) let
 C) urge
 D) get
 E) have
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