Translation (Turkish - English) - Test - 1

1. Uzmanlar, dünyanın yiyecek üretiminin nüfus büyümesiyle aynı oranda artmadığını belirtiyorlar.
  A) It's stated by the experts that the increase in food production isn't at the same rate as in population growth.
  B) Experts state that food production in the world isn't increasing at the same rate as population growth.
  C) According to the experts, food production can't keep pace with the population growth.
  D) The population of the world is growing at such a high rate that experts are trying to find out how to increase food production equally.
  E) Experts say that food isn't yet produced at such a rate as to meet the requirements of the growing population.
2. Televizyonun en belirgin avantajlarından biri, hemen herkesin gücünün yetebileceği ucuz ve uygun eğlence olanağı sunmasıdır.
  A) It's clear that television is advantageous, because it provides cheap and convenient entertainment for everybody.
  B) One of the most obvious advantages of the television is that it offers the opportunity of cheap and convenient entertainment which nearly everyone can afford.
  C) Obviously, almost everyone can afford to buy a television and enjoy its cheap and convenient programmes.
  D) Television, which is affordable for almost everybody, is one of the most advantageous ways of cheap and convenient entertainment.
  E) It's apparent that television can provide one of the most advantageous ways of entertainment, which is cheap and enjoyable.
3. Pek çok insan, giyimde yeni modaların sadece, insanların parasını sömürmek için yaratıldığını ileri sürmektedir.
  A) Many people claim that new fashions in clothing are created merely for the commercial exploitation of people.
  B) Many people regard new fashions in clothing as a commercial exploitation, which only aims to rob people of their money.
  C) By tempting many to buy new clothes, fashion exploits people commercially.
  D) Fashion, a means of commercial exploitation, entraps many people and make them buy new clothes.
  E) The creation of new fashions in clothing is claimed by many people to be just a means of commercial exploitation.
4. İnsan bir seyi kendi isteğiyle yapıyorsa, sonuç ne olursa olsun ona katlanmaya hazır olmalıdır.
  A) However bad the result is, one has to be prepared to face it if he himself has caused it.
  B) A person shouldn't insist on his own way if the result of it seems to be bad for him.
  C) If a person does something with his own free will, he should be ready to bear whatever the result is.
  D) The person who has done something with his own free will doesn't have the right to complain about the consequences.
  E) While doing anything with his own free will, a person should well consider what the result may be.
5. Çağdas, hesap makinelerinin ve bilgisayarların temeli sayılan abaküs Babilliler tarafından bulunmustur.
  A) The abacus, invented by the Babylonians, is regarded as the basis of modern calculators and computers.
  B) Contemporary calculators and computers were devised on the basis of the abacus, which was invented by the Babylonians.
  C) The abacus, on the basis of which modern calculators and computers were devised, was first used by the Babylonians.
  D) The Babylonians invented the abacus and today it is regarded as the basis of contemporary calculators and computers.
  E) The abacus, regarded as the basis of contemporary calculators and computers, was invented by the Babylonians.
6. Uçuşun iptal edilmesi sonucu pek çok yolcu geceyi havaalanında geçirmek zorunda kaldı.
  A) The cancellation of the flight would mean that many passengers would have to spend the night at the airport.
  B) Many passengers had to spend the night at the airport as a result of the cancellation of the flight.
  C) When the airline cancelled the flight, many passengers had to stay at the airport during the night.
  D) There were many passengers at the airport during the night because their flight had been cancelled.
  E) The flight was cancelled; consequently, many passengers had no other option but to spend the night at the airport.

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