Yakın Anlamlı Cümle Çalışması 2

10. There has never been a better time to be a virus researcher, thanks in part to inexpensive genetic sequencing that allows scientists to rapidly isolate disease-causing microorganisms.

A) It is the best time for virus researchers as they now have cheap techniques such as genetic sequencing that helps them quickly recognize disease-causing microorganisms.
B) Partly because of cheap genetic sequencing techniques which enable scientists to separate disease-causing microorganisms quickly, it is now a perfect time to be a virus researcher.
C) Thanks to cheap genetic sequencing, virus researchers have never had a better opportunity to distinguish between disease-causing microorganisms.
D) Inexpensive genetic sequencing, which makes it possible for scientists to quickly separate microorganisms into classes, has made the lives of virus researchers easy.
E) Due to innovative genetic sequencing, virus researchers are now having a great time partly because they can easily distinguish disease-causing microorganisms.

Bu bölüm sorularında şıklarda soruda bulunan bağlaç, sıfat ve zarfların eş anlamlıları aranır. Bu arama eylemi en uzun şıktan başlanır. Bu soruda bulunan “thanks to” nun eş anlamlısının hangi şıkta olduğuna bakalım. B ve E şıklarında “because of” ve “due to” var. B daha uzun olduğu için diğer eş anlamlı kelimeleri önce onda arayalım. Sorudaki “in part” burada “partly”, “that” ise “which” olarak var. “inexpensive” sıfatı da “cheap” olmuş.” Cevap: B

11. While the country is prepared for rapid development, the President knows that no amount of economic growth can ever compensate for the degradation of the country’s natural resources and rich biodiversity.

A) Because of the exhaustion of the country’s natural resources and rich biodiversity, the President was uncertain whether to continue or halt the rapid development of the country.
B) Since the country is about to develop quickly, the President is ready to make use of the country’s natural resources and abundant biodiversity and he will compensate the people for their loss.
C) The President thinks that no economic growth can substitute for the loss of the country’s natural resources because rapid development would mean that the destruction of the country is finishing them off.
D) Although the country seems ready to develop, the President is aware that no economic growth could make up for the deterioration of the country’s natural resources and abundant biodiversity.
E) The country is ready for rapid development; however, the government does not realize that abundant resources and biodiversity could be lost as a result of this economic growth.

Bu sorunun çözümü çok kolay çünkü zıtlık bağlacı “while” ile başlıyor. Şıklarda bunun eş anlamlısını arayalım. İlk üç şıktaki bağlaçlar sebep (because ve since ile) bildirdiği için onları geçelim. Geriye D ve E kalır. D, E’den daha uzun olduğu için diğer benzer kelimeleri önce onda arayalım. Sorudaki “prepared” burada “ready” ile, “conpansate-telafi etmek” fiili “”make up for” ile, bozulma anlamına gelen “degradation”, “deterioration” ile “rich” ise “abundant” sıfatı ile karşılanmış. Ülke ekonomik gelişmeye hazırmış ama devlet başkanı hiçbir gelişmenin ülkenin doğal kaynaklarının ve zengin biyo çeşitliliğin bozulmasını telafi edemiyeceğinin farkındaymış. Cevap: D

12. In his famous work The Wealth of Nations, the eighteenth-century Scottish economist Adam Smith spelled out, in more technical and historical detail, the different stages of economic development in the past.

A) Adam Smith, an economist of the Scottish origin in the eighteenth century, gave, in his well-known work The Wealth of Nations, a technically and historically detailed account of the various phases through which the economy had developed before his time.
B) In The Wealth of Nations, a controversial work written by Adam Smith, who was a Scottish economist in the eighteenth century, a full description was given of how the economic progress had taken place in the past.
C) The Scottish economist Adam Smith’s great work The Wealth of Nations, written in the eighteenth century, is essentially a technical and historical description of the economic development and its changing phases in the past.
D) Adam Smith, who was an eighteenth-century economist born in Scotland, wrote his celebrated work The Wealth of Nations in order to explain, in technical terms, the historical stages of the economic progress.
E) In his controversial work The Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith, who was an economist born in Scotland in the eighteenth century, described both technical and historical phases that made up the economic progress in the past.

Bu bölüm sorularında çok işe yarayan bir teknik var. Son 7 KPDS’de çıkan sorular incelendiğinde doğru şıkların %50’si en uzun şıktan, %22’sinin ondan sonra en uzun olan cümle olduğu görülmektedir. Bu nedenle sorudaki bağlaç, sıfat veya zarfların eş anlamlılarını şıklarda aramaya en uzun seçenekten başlamak, bu bölüm sorularını hızlı yapmanın en kestirme yoludur. Bu sorunun şıklarından en uzunu A’dır. Sorudaki “famous” sıfatının karşılığı burada “well-known”, “different” sıfatının eş anlamlısı olarak “various”, “stage” isminin ki ise “phase” olarak bulunmaktadır.
Cevap: A

13. In the 1960s, the emergence of new black nations in Africa and the Caribbean was paralleled by the civil rights movement of the blacks in America.

A) So many new black nations emerged in the 1960s in Africa and the Caribbean that the American blacks were influenced by them and soon began to fight for their civil rights.
B) When new black nations came into being in the 1960s in Africa and the Caribbean, also the blacks in America started the civil rights movement.
C) In the 1960s, the American blacks were so encouraged by the rise of various black nations in Africa and the Caribbean that they all joined in the civil rights movement.
D) The civil rights movement, started by the blacks in America in the 1960s, was largely inspired by the rise of new African and Caribbean nations.
E) The civil rights movement of the American blacks in the 1960s was extremely influenced by the new nations that had emerged in Africa and the Caribbean.

Bu soruda iki şık en uzun olma konusunda eşit; A ve C. İki tane doğru olamayacağına göre bunları eleyelim. Geriye B, D ve E kalır. En üstteki daha fazla doğru olma ihtimali taşır, kuralına göre, soru ile şık arasında eş anlamlı sözcük açısından benzerlik aramaya B’den başlayalım. Emergence/came into being, ve parallel/also, sözcük çiftleri ile sağlanan bir eş enlamlılık olduğu için doğru şık B’dir. Cevap: B

14. Despite their declaration of intellectual independence from the past, Enlightenment thinkers owed a great debt to their predeces-sors.

A) Enlightenment intellectuals asserted that they were totally indifferent to the past, but they owed a great deal to the thinkers of the past.
B) Contrary to what they thought about the past, Enlightenment thinkers were much influenced by those who had come before them.
C) Even though Enlightenment thinkers openly claimed that intellectually they were free from the past, they were greatly indebted to those thinkers who had preceded them.
D) The past never aroused any interest in Enlightenment intellectuals, although they were essentially inspired by the thinkers of the past.
E) Although Enlightenment intellectuals took no interest in the past, they were much involved in the study of their predecessors’ ideas.

Bu soruda en uzun şık çok net olarak diğer-lerinden ayrılıyor; C. Burada soru ile C şıkkındaki sözcükler arasında şöyle benzerlikler var; despite/even though, declaration/openly claim, free from/ independence, owe/indepted. Cevap: C

15. The finest example of Byzantine architecture is the church of Saint Sophia in Istanbul, constructed at enormous cost by the emperor Justinian in the sixth century.

A) The church of Saint Sophia was constructed by emperor Justinian in the sixth century and cost him a lot of money even though Byzantine architecture has come to be represented by it.
B) The construction of the church of Saint Sophia in the sixth century cost the emperor Justinian a huge amount of money, and it is a significant example of Byzantine architecture.
C) In the sixth century, emperor Justinian spent so much money on the construction of the church of Saint Sophia that he wanted it to be the most excellent work of Byzantine architects.
D) Byzantine architecture is best represented by the church of Saint Sophia in Istanbul, for the construction of which, in the sixth century, emperor Justinian spent a lot of money.
E) A huge amount of money was spent by the emperor Justinian for the construction of the church of Saint Sophia in the sixth century, which in fact became a major work of Byzantine architecture.

Bu soruda seçenekler uzunluk bakımından birbirine çok yakın. Bu durumda sorudaki sıfat, zarf vb sözcüklerin eş anlamlılarını seçeneklerde sırasıyla arayacağız. Sorudaki “the finest example” belirgin bir ifade. Bunun karşılığı yalnızca D seçeneğinde “best represented” olarak bulunuyor. Cevap: D

16. At the peak of their prosperity, between about 6500 and 5500 B.C., the residents of Çatal Hüyük produced a wide range of agricultural food stuffs, including peas, lentils, fruits, and cereal crops.

A) A large variety of agricultural foodstuffs, such as peas, lentils, fruits and cereal crops, were produced by the Çatal Hüyük inhabitants, whose prosperity reached its climax during the period between roughly 6500 and 5500 B.C.
B) Peas, lentils, fruits, and cereal crops were the only agricultural foodstuffs that the people of Çatal Hüyük, already very prosperous, produced during the period from 6500 to 5500 B.C.
C) The people at Çatal Hüyük were so prosperous that, during the period from 6500 to 5500 B.C., they produced various kinds of agricultural foodstuffs, especially peas, lentils, fruits and cereal crops.
D) Among the agricultural foodstuffs produced by the extremely prosperous peasants of Çatal Hüyük during the period from 6500 to 5500 B.C. were peas, lentils, fruits, and cereal crops.
E) At Çatal Hüyük, where there was much prosperity between 6500 and 5500 B.C., only those agricultural foodstuffs, which consisted of peas, lentils, fruits and cereal crops, were produced by the people.

Burada şıklardan biri diğerlerinden uzunluk açısından belirgin bir şekilde ayrılıyor. A seçeneğini bu nedenle ilk olarak sorudaki olası sözcüklerin eş anlamlıları için irdeleyeceğiz. Soru ve A şıkkı arasında peak/climax, about/roughly, residents/ inhabitants, wide range/large variety sözcükleriyle bağlantı kurulmaktadır.  Cevap: A

17. Unlike his contemporaries, who favoured quiet urban scenes, the sixteenth-century Dutch painter Bruegel exulted in depicting the ordinary life of the peasantry.

A) Although it was Bruegel alone among the Dutch painters in the sixteenth century that was primarily interested in the representation of rural scenes, his contemporaries continued to deal in their works with various aspects of urban life.
B) The Dutch painter Bruegel in the sixteenth century mainly focused on the representation of ordinary scenes from rural life, just as his contemporaries were much interested in depicting urban life.
C) The representation of rural scenes from the life of the peasants was the Dutch painter Bruegel’s primary interest, but his contemporaries in the sixteenth century took urban life as their main subject.
D) Urban life with its happy scenes was one of the major interests of the Dutch painters in the sixteenth century, but Bruegel differed from them to some extent by his depiction of peasants’ hard life.
E) Contrary to the painters of his time, who preferred in the first place to represent peaceful scenes from urban life, the Dutch painter Bruegel, who lived in the sixteenth century, took much joy in the depiction of scenes from the simple life of the peasants.

Yine çok net olarak en uzun olan şıkkı soruyla karşılaştırarak işe başlarsak daha ilk kelimeden doğru yolda olduğumuzu anlarız. Unlike/contrary to, çok güzel bir ip ucu oluşturmuş.Cevap: E

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