Translation (Turkish - English) - Çözüm ve Yaklaşımlar - 1

1. Gezegenimizdeki yaşam tarihi hakkında bildiklerimizin çoğunu, bize, jeolojik kanıtlar, özellikle fosil kayıtları sağlamaktadır.

A) Fossil records as well as other geological evidence provide us with all the knowledge we have of the history of life on the planet.
B) It is through geological evidence, mostly by fosil records, that we have come to know the history of life on our planet.
C) Our knowledge of the history of life on this planet is completely based on geological evidence, especially on fossil records.
D) Much of what we know about the history of life on our planet is provided to us by geological evidence, in particular fossil records.
E) The history of life on our planet can best be understood through our study of fossil records and other kinds of geological evidence.

“Çoğu” sözcüğü çeviri sorularında çok sıklıkla kullanılmaktadır. Bizi doğru şıkka çok kolay götür-mektedir. Cevap: D

2. Oyunlara ve özellikle çocuk oyunlarına ilişkin inançlarımız, teknoloji ve küreselleşme ile köklü değişimler geçirmiştir.

A) We seem to have radically changed our beliefs about plays, and children’s plays in particular, because of advances in technology and globalization.
B) We believe that plays, and children’s plays in particular, have encountered radical changes due to technology and globalization.
C) Our beliefs about plays, and children’s plays in particular, have undergone radical changes with technology and globalization.
D) Owing to the radical changes in plays, and children’s plays in particular, we have shifted our attitude towards technology and globalization.
E) As to technology and globalization, our beliefs about plays, and children’s plays in particular, have
changed radically.

Bu sorunun cevabı sadece özneye bakarak kolayca bulunabiliyor. Çünkü özne “inançlarımız=our beliefs” yalnızca C şıkkında var. Cevap: C

3. Anadolu'daki arkeolojik kalıntılar, zeytin ağacının çok eskilere dayandığını ve aynı zamanda zeytinyağının faydalarını insanların bildiğini gösteren deliller sunmaktadır.

A) Archaeological remains in Anatolia have revealed the fact that the olive tree grew in the very distant past and humans knew the benefits of olive oil as well.
B) In Anatolia, archaeological remains show that the olive tree was in existence in the very distant past and humans were also aware of the benefits of olive oil.
C) Archaeological remains in Anatolia provide proof that the olive tree dates back to the very distant past, as does human knowledge of olive oil’s benefits.
D) The olive tree and human knowledge of olive oil’s benefits date back to the very distant past as archaeological remains in Anatolia show us.
E) Remains in archaeological sites in Anatolia proves that olive tree depends on the very distant past and humans benefited from olive oil in many ways.

Bu soruda ise öznenin karşılığı iki şıkta birden bulunuyor; A ve C. Fiil “sunmaktadır”ın karşılığı hem tens olarak hem de anlam olarak yalnızca C’de bulunuyor. A’daki fiil hem “present perfect” hem de açığa çıkarmak anlamına gelmektedir.  Cevap: C

4. Kendine ait önemli rezervleri bulunmayan dünyanın en büyük enerji tüketicisi Avrupa Birliği, ihtiyaç duyduğu enerjinin % 50’sini ithal etmektedir ve ithal enerjiye olan bağımlılığının 2030 yılına kadar % 70’e çıkacağı tahmin edilmektedir.

A) The world’s largest energy consumer without its own significant reserves, the European Union imports 50% of the energy it needs, and it is predicted that its dependence on imported energy will rise to 70% by 2030.
B) As the world’s largest energy consumer, the European Union has no important energy reserves,
and it is envisioned that its dependence on imported energy will increase to 70% by 2030, on the
assumption that it buys 50% of its energy from other countries.
C) As the world’s largest energy consumer with its limited energy reserves, the European Union imports around 50% of the energy it needs, and it will probably be more dependent on energy import with a 70% increase by 2030.
D) Besides being the world’s largest energy consumer today which lacks its own reserves, the European Union imports 50% of the energy it requires, and it is foreseen that its energy import will go up to 70% by 2030.
E) The European Union is the world’s largest energy consumer without its own significant energy reserves, and it is estimated that its reliance on imported energy will rise to 70% by 2030, while it is 50% now.

Bu sorunun öznesinin bir sıfat cümlesi var. Türkçede sıfat cümlesi nitelediği isimden önce gelir, İngilizcede ise o isimden sonra gelir. Bu sorudaki özneyi sıfat cümlesi ile beraber çevirirsek ortaya “The European Union which is the greatest energy consumer and which does not have its own energy sources…” cümlesi çıkar. Ancak şıklarda böyle bir cümle yok. O zaman şıklarda özne yerine fiilin karşılığını arayalım. Fiil “tahmin edilmektedir=is predicted/foreseen” A ve D şıklarında var. “Ener“Enerjiye bağımlılık=dependence yalnızca A’da var.

5. Uzmanlar; 100 yıl içerisinde su kaynaklarının kıtlaşacağını, iklim değişikliğinin gezegeni geri dönüşü olmayan bir şekilde değiştireceğini ve yaşam alanlarının sonsuza dek kaybolacağını tahmin ediyorlar.

A) What experts predict is that within 100 years, climate change will affect the planet in such a way that it will be impossible to save water resources and habitats, and they will be gone forever.
B) According to the predictions made by experts, water resources will become scarce, climate change will alter our planet in an irreversible way, and habitats will be lost for good in 100 years.
C) It has been predicted by experts for 100 years that water reserves are likely to be lost along with habitats if climate change alters the planet irreversibly.
D) Experts predict that within 100 years, water resources will become scarce, climate change will irreversibly alter the planet, and habitats will be lost forever.
E) Experts predict that water resources have been scarce for about 100 years, and climate change will make the situation irreversible, destroying habitats.

“Uzmanlar” öznesi bu defa yalnızca iki şıkta var; D ve E. Fiil “tahmin ediyorlar-predict” her ikisinde de var. Bu durumda üçüncü bir kelime aramaktansa 71. soruda izlediğimiz yolu izleyelim. Buna göre dört satırdan fazla tutan sorudaki cümlenin İngilizce karşılığı E’den daha çok D şıkkı tarafından karşılanır. Soruda özneden sonra gelen “yüz yıl içerisinde” ifadesi de yalnızca bu şıkta bulunmaktadır. Uzunluk her zaman bu kadar net şekilde işe yaramayabilir. O nedenle son çare olarak kullanmanızı tavsiye ederiz. Cevap: D

6. İşinizde ne kadar iyi olursanız olun, ağır iş yükünden dolayı bazı hatalar yapmanız muhtemeldir.

A) Simply because of heavy workload, you are going to make some errors in a job you are good at.
B) Irrespective of what you do at work, you will probably make some errors due to heavy workload.
C) It does not matter how well you do your job, you will possibly be forced to make some errors as a result of heavy workload.
D) In spite of the fact that you do your job satisfactorily, making some errors because of heavy workload is inevitable.
E) No matter how good you are at your job, it is likely that you are going to make some errors because of heavy workload.

İlk satırdaki yapının İngilizcedeki karşılığı “No matter how…” yalnızca E şıkkında buluyor. B şıkkında benzeri yazılmaya çalışılmış ancak kalıplar öyle kolayca değiştirilemez. Cevap: E

7. Özellikle ekonominin 2010’da % 9,3’lük bir büyüme kaydetmesinden bu yana, Filistin’deki yabancı yatırım ciddi artış göstermektedir.

A) Especially after the economy recorded a substantial growth rate of 9,3% in 2010, serious foreign investment has grown in Palestine.
B) With the Palestinian economy recording a growth rate of 9,3% in 2010, the direct foreign investment has grown substantially.
C) Foreign investment in Palestine has been growing substantially, especially since the economy recorded a growth rate of 9,3% in 2010.
D) As of 2010 when the economy recorded a substantial growth rate of 9,3%, foreign investment in Palestine has seriously grown.
E) Especially following a record growth rate of 9,3% in 2010, foreign investment in Palestine has seen substantial increases.

Bu soruda öncekilerden farklı bir çeviri yapılmış. Anahtar sözcüğümüz “özellikle.. den bu yana” ifadesinin karşılığı olan “especially since” ifadesi yalnızca C şıkkında bulunuyor. Özne Filistin’deki yabancı yatırım, yalnızca bu şıkta cümle başında. Cevap: C

8. Su ve binaları ısıtmak ve elektrik üretmek için kullanılabilen güneş enerjisi, tükenmez bir kaynaktır ve fosil yakıtlarından daha az çevre sorunlarına neden olur.

A) Compared with fossil fuels, solar energy causes a few environmental problems, but it is an inexhaustible source that can be used for the heating of water and buildings and also to generate electricity.
B) As an inexhaustible source, solar energy, which can be used for the generation of electricity and also for the heating of water as well as buildings, has fewer environmental problems than do fosil fuels.
C) Solar energy, which can be used to heat water and buildings and generate electricity, is an inexhaustible source and causes fewer environmental problems than do fosil fuels.
D) Although solar energy has much fewer environmental problems than do fosil fuels, it is indeed an inexhaustible source that can be used to heat water and buildings and generate electricity.
E) Solar energy is so inexhaustible a source that, since it causes fewer environmental problems than do fosil fuels, it can be used to heat water and buildings and generate plenty of electricity.

Türkçeden İngilizceye çeviri sorularını çok hızlı ve doğru yapmak için ise sorunun öznesinin Türkçe karşılığı seçeneklerin ilk sözcüklerinde aranır. Bu soruda özne güneş enerjisidir. “Solar energy” öznesi C ve E’de bulunuyor. Üstteki daha doğrudur, kuralına göre bakarsak C şıkkındaki özne sorudaki sıfat cümlesi “which” i de barındırıyor. O nedenle doğru C’dir. Cevap: C

9. Atmosferde karbon dioksit ve diğer sera gazlarının artışı, önümüzdeki yıllarda olabilecek çok daha ciddî bir küresel ısınma hakkında kaygılara neden olmaktadır.

A) As carbon dioxide and various other greenhouse gases increase in the atmosphere, there are serious concerns that a major global warming will happen in the near future.
B) The increase of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are causing concerns about a much more serious global warming that may occur in the years ahead.
C) Because of the increase of carbon dioxide and various other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, a great deal of serious concern is expressed about a major global warming that may happen in a few years.
D) There are many concerns that a very serious global warming will occur in the years ahead owing to the increased carbon dioxide and various other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
E) Since carbon dioxide and many other greenhouse gases have increased in the atmosphere, there is a great deal of serious concern about the possibility of a major global warming in the near future.

Bu soruda özne tek seçenekte bulunuyor. Artış-the increase, yalnızca B seçeneğinde var.
Cevap: B

10. Sel ve yüksek dalgalara yol açmış olan tropical fırtınalardan dolayı, 1970’den bu yana, Bangladeş’te en az 300.000 insan ölmüştür.

A) Tropical storms, causing flooding and high waves, have killed up to 300.000 people in Bangladesh since 1970.
B) Up to 300.000 people have died in Bangladesh since 1970, as tropical storms have caused much flooding and high waves.
C) In Bangladesh after 1970, more or less 300.000 people have been killed because of the flooding and high waves caused by tropical storms.
D) The death of about 300.000 people in Bangladesh after 1970 has been caused by tropical storms that have led to flooding and high waves.
E) Since 1970, at least 300.000 people have died in Bangladesh due to tropical storms that have caused flooding and high waves.

Bu soruda özne “en az 300.000 kişi-at least 300.000 people yalnızca E şıkkında var. Cevap: E

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