Paragrafın Ana Fikri (Main Idea)


Bir paragrafta ana fikir konu ile ilgili görüşü, düşünceyi tamamlayan, belirten ya da açıklayan ifadelerdir. Konuyla ilgili sorular "paragrafın ne hakkında olduğunu" soran ifadeler olurken, ana fikri soran sorular daha çok konuyu açıklayıcı, tamamlayıcı ve konunun önemini detaylandıran ifadelerdir. Bir paragrafta ana fikri ifade eden cümleler genellikle giriş cümlesidir. Ancak, paragrafın herhangi bir yerinde de olabilirler. Yukarıdaki oruç tutma ile ilgili paragrafın ilk cümlesini ele alırsak;

Fasting is an almost universal phenomenon within both Eastern and Western cultures.
topic                                                       subject main point

Konu (topic / subject) bu cümlede “fasting” - oruç tutma dır, bu konuya açıklık getiren, konu ile ilgili düşünceyi açıklayan ifade ise oruç tutmanın hemen hemen evrensel bir olgu olmasıdır. Bu yüzden ana fikri ifade eden ana noktalar konu ile birlikte ana fikri ifade eden bir cümle oluşturur.

Bir paragrafta anafikir iki şekilde olabilir:

Açıkça ifade edilen ana fikir (Explicitly stated main idea): Daha çok doğrudan paragrafın içinde geçen genel cümle olarak ifade edilir ve bir ima yoktur. Aşağıdaki paragrafları inceleyelim: Altı çizili koyu yazılan italik cümleler ana fikri ifade eden cümlelerdir.


Small cars have many advantages over the big ones. First of all, a small car is inexpensive to operate because it goes 20 to 30 miles on a gallon of gasoline. The original purchase price of a small car is considerably less than that of the bigger models. And of course small cars are easier to park than the big ones.

Airlines depend on good weather conditions to keep their planes in the air and people prefer to travel by these lines in good weather for their safety. Workmen who construct buildings can work better only in good weather. Farmers depend on sunshine and rain for growing crops. Merchants find that weather affects their business, for when the weather is bad, people do not go shopping. So we can say that a great many people are aware of the importance of good weather.

The yak is an animal about the size of a small cow and they can be used for different purposes. This animal live in Far East, mostly in Tibet. The Tibetan people depend upon the yak in several ways. The people of Tibet use it to carry large and small loads. They drink its milk, eat its meat for food and weave its fur into cloth.

Producing food costs the earth dearly. First of all, to grow food, we clear land which always incurs losses of native ecosystems and wildlife. Then we plant crops or graze animals on the land. The soil loses nutrients as each crop is taken from it, so fertilizer is applied. Some fertilizer runs off, polluting the waterways. Some plowed soil runs off, which clouds the waterways and interferes with the growth of aquatic plants and animals. To protect crops against weeds and pests, we apply herbicides and pesticides. These chemicals also pollute the water and, wherever the wind carries them, the air. Most herbicides and pesticides kill not only weeds and pests, but also native insects, and animals that eat those plants and insects.
The main point made in the passage is that............. .

A) we damage land in various ways in our efforts to grow crops for food
B) it is possible to grow plenty of food without using any fertilizers
C) the pollution caused by herbicides and pesticides can easily be overcome
D) aquatic plants and animals are the ones that suffer most from the use of chemicals
E) ecosystems worldwide are being seriously threatened with extinction

Yukarıdaki paragrafta anafikri ifade eden cümleye baktığımızda, bizim yiyecek üretmemizin toprağa pahalıya mal olduğunu ve paragrafın tümünde de bu konu ile ilgili detaylı açıklamalarla ve sırasıyla nasıl tahrip ettiğimiz vurgulanıp ifadelerle destekleniyor. Bu durumun hepsini ifade eden cümle “A” şıkkındadır.

Ana fikir ile ilgili yaygın bir şekilde karşımıza çıkan soru kökleri:

  • The main idea of the paragraph is..........
  • It is stated in the paragraph that..........
  • It is explicitly stated that.............
  • We understand from the paragraph that........
  • One of the main points the writer makes in the passage is that..........
  • The main point made in the passage is that.............
  • It is emphasized in the passage that.........
Simdi anafikir ile ilgili soru çalışması yapalım:


It is true that some species of Piranha fish are dangerous for people, but the danger piranhas present to humans has been greatly exaggerated. Piranhas are reported to attack people in the river tributaries when waste from slaughter-houses is thrown into the water. Piranhas just a few kilometres away in water not polluted by blood or flesh, are considered so harmless by the locals that people swim among them. Besides this, piranhas play an important role in South American ecology, preying primarily on wounded and diseased fish arid thus minimizing fish diseases which would otherwise become epidemics.

The author states that piranha fish……… .

A) suffer from overcrowding and will eat each other to reduce their numbers
B) only eat diseased or wounded fish
C) won't attack humans unless they are really hungry
D) are less of a threat to human life than they are reputed to be
E) don't attack local people, but they do strangers

Bu tür sorular genel olarak ana fikri sorgular. Yazar düşündügünü hemen paragrafın başında söyler, bir tez varsa, karşı tezini onu sunduktan sonra ifade eder yada o tezi destekler. Bu pragrafın girişinde yazar, bir çok insan için piranha balıkarının tehlikeli olduğununun doğruluğunu kabul ediyor, ancak bunun büyütüldüğünü de ifade ediyor. Ve bu tezini de savunan ifadeleride paragrafın diğer bölümlerinde açıklarken, ayni zamanda bu balıkların yararlı olduğunu da ifade ediyor. Doğru cevap “D“ şıkkıdır.

Men and women who wish to become successful professional athletes must be ready to spend long hours in rigorous training. Also, professional athletes have to watch their diets constantly; they cannot afford to be either too fat or too thin. Furthermore, many professional athletes find that they have little time for a personal life because their profession demands too much time and energy.

The main idea of the paragraph is that........ .

A) athletes must exercise vigorously to keep physical fitness.
B) most professional athletes lead difficult and demanding lives.
C) unless they follow a strict diet, professional athletes can not develop their bodies properly.
D) it takes many years of hard work to become a professional athlete.
E) an athlete who can't effort to cover his/her expense isn't liable to succeed.

Pragrafımızın bütününde özne "professional athletes" tir. Bahsedilen konu başarılı olmak isteyen bir profesyonel atletin karşısına çıkan zorluklardır. Bir profesyonel atletin kendini bu işe adaması gerektiğini, beslenmesine dikkat etmesi zorunda olduğunu, özel hayatı için harcayacağı zamanının olmadığını kısaca söyleyen cümle "B" şıkkıdır.

Laughter's social role is definitely important. Today's children may be heading for a whole lot of social ills because their play and leisure time is so isolated and they lose out on lots of chances for laughter. When children stare at computer screens, rather than laughing with each other, they get so involved that they forget to laugh at all; this is contrary to what's natural for them. Natural social behaviour in children is playful behaviour, and in such situations laughter indicates that make-believe aggression is just fun, not serious. This is an important way in which children form positive emotional ties, gain new social skills and generally start to move from childhood to adulthood. Parents need to be very careful to ensure that their children play in groups and laugh more.

The passage emphasizes the point that……… .

A) children need to take part in group activities
B) children seem to have grown more aggressive since the computer entered their lives
C) the computer helps speed up a child's emotional development
D) computer games have a beneficial effect on social behaviour
E) laughter does not often have a social role

Bu paragrafımızda gülmenin sosyal bir rol olarak önemli olduğunu, tek başına bilgisayara bağlı olmanın çocuklarda olumsuz bir duruma sebep olabileceğini ve çocukların bu şekilde gülmeyi unuttuklarını ve onların doğasından dolayı oyun oymaya eğilimli olduklarını ifade ettikten sonra, çocukların bu şekilde duygusal bağlar geliştirdiğini ve çocukluktan yetişkinliğe kadar devem eden yeni sosyal beceriler kazandığını ifade etmektedir. Paragrafımızın en sonunda da çocuklarımızın gruplar halinde oynamalarına ve daha çok gülmelerini sağlamamız gerektiği vurgulanmıştır. Vurgulanan cümle “A” şıkkındadır

Bu tür soru kökleri, doğrudan paragrafın bütünü ile olabileceği gibi, bir bölümü ile de ilgili olabilir. Yani bizden genel değil, özel bir durum ile ilgili soru sorulabilir. Bu durumda soru kökünü önce okuyup bizden ne istendiğine bakmamız gerekir. Daha doğrusu yazarın ifade ettiği bir düşünceyi yarım vererek bizden verilen cümle içinde tamamlamamız isteniyor.

Aşağıda yaygın bir şekilde kullanılan bu tür soru kökleri verilmiştir.

We can understand from the passage that no city in the eighteenth century Japan.......
We learn from the passage that Mrs Gaskell uses the story of Margaret Hale to.......
As we understand from the passage, the flood that hit ancient Mesopotamia.......
As we learn from the passage, Einstein's theory of relativity..........
The passage puts forward the idea that Marco Polo..........
It can be stated that fish in cold water ……….
It is implied that fishermen in Greece ……….

We put up at the house where we had been directed, a low log cabin, rough and dirty, kept by Bridget & Co. Supper was had after dark and the light on the table was just the right one for the place, a saucer of grease, with a rag in it lighted and burning at the edge of the saucer. It at least served to made the darkness apparent and to prevent the dirt being visible. We had potatoes, beans and tea, and probably dirt too, if we could have seen it. When the meal was nearly done Bridget brought in and deposited on each plate a good thick pancake as a dessert. It smelled pretty good, but when I drew my knife across it to cut it in two, all the center was uncooked batter, which ran out upon my plate, and spoiled my supper.

It is stated in the passage that the light ………… .

A) was too greasy
B) was a ragged candle.
C) was very appropriate.
D) was not sufficient.
E) was all that Bridget had.

Soruda bizden istenilen lamba ilgili özel bir ifadenin paragrafta kullanılmasıdır. Yazar burada bahsedilen lambanın masanın tam uygun bir yerinde olduğunu ve en azından karanlığı aydınlatığını ve yeterli geldiğini ifade ediyor. Bu durumda lamba ile ilgili doğru cevap “C” şıkkında var.

When Toy Story I was released in 1995, it became an international sensation. It was the first feature film to be entirely constructed from computer animation and its considerable technical achievements were the result of four years of hard work by a large team of computer animators. The results have been greatly appreciated. The question now is: will Toy Story II continue to impress? Judging by the enthusiastic reception at a recent press screening from an audience made up largely of adults, the answer is a definite "yes". "The movies that I'm most affected by are the ones that make me laugh hysterically but also have an effect on my emotions". Says the film's director John Lasseter Toy story II does just that.

We learn from the passage that Toy Story I………. .

A) was so amusing that many people wanted to see it again and again
B) appealed more to adults than it did to children
C) received poor reviews from the press when it was first screened for journalists
D) has been surpassed by Toy Story II in every respect
E) was greatly admired throughout the world when it first came out

Bir çıkarım sorusu: Oyuncak Masalı 1 adlı, tamamen bilgisayar kullanılarak yapılan bir animasyon filmin teknik başarıları ifade edilirken, altı çizili cümlede de sorulan bir soruya cevaben “çoğu yetişkin olan seyircilerden oluşmuş….” İfadesi “B” şıkkında vardır.

Some time between 3000 and 2000 BC. a great flood occurred in Mesopotamia. This event had such an effect upon the peoples who lived in that area that several flood myths developed. There are many similarities between them. In all of these myths, there is always a leader who is warned to prepare to a flood. The leader builds a ship, stores the necessities of life on broad, and so survives the flood. After the flood he lands safely on a mountainside, and the human race countries. There are small differences in the details of the myths, of course, but the only important difference is the cause of the flood. In some myths, the flood comes as a punishment from the gods for man's bad behaviour; in others there is no explanation given,

As we understand from the passage, the flood that hit ancient Mesopotamia ............. .

A) put an end to the human race throughout that area
B) was regarded by all the survivors as a punishment sent by the gods
C) must have greatly affected very many peoples over a very large area
D) is not described in any detail in any mythology
E) was survived by very few people indeed

Bu paragrafımızda aşağı yukarı milattan önce 3000 ve 2000 yılları arasında Mezopotamya’da büyük bir sel olduğunu ifade eden giriş cümlesi soru kökünde ifade edilmiştir. Bir sonraki cümlede ifade edilen “this event” yani “bu olay” bir önceki cümlede bahsedilen sel olayına gönderimde bulunmaktadır. Bu olayın insanlar üzerinde o kadar büyük bir etkisi olmuştur ki sel ile ilgili mitlerin oluşmasına sebep olmuştur. Böyle bir cümleden ne gibi bir sonuç çıkarabiliriz? Tabii ki selin büyük etkisini. Bunu da ifade eden seçenek “C” şıkkıdır.

Life on a submarine may, to many people, sound fascinating. However, it is, in fact, horribly boring. Except for the commanding officers, a day aboard a submarine consists of six hours on duty, six hours off, day after day, for months. This being the case, every effort is made to ensure that the lives of the men are as pleasant as possible. The meals are exceptionally good, and there is a daily film, shown at a specific time, on television around the submarine. In return, the crew is always expected to perform perfectly all the time. A mistake is quite unforgivable. In fact, a favourite saying is "There's room for, everything on a submarine except for a mistake .

The writer of the passage emphasises that, on a submarine,………. .

A) there is every opportunity for officers to have a pleasant life
B) every member of the crew helps to prepare the meals
C) everyone works six hours a day
D) life never gets boring for the crew
E) everything is to be done faultlessly

Bize verilen soru kökünde bir vurgulamanın (emphasise) olduğunu görüyoruz. Yazar ana fikri ifade eden anlatımı tekrar ettikten sonra cümlenin sonunda bu düşüncesini tekrar vurgular. Paragrafın girişinde denizatlılarında yaşamın birçok insana cazip gelebileceğini, ancak bununla beraber gerçektende berbat bir şekilde sıkıcı olduğunu ifade etmiştir. Bunu destekleyen cümlelerin arkasından personelden daima mükemmel bir işin beklenildiğini ve hatanın affedilemeyeceğini ifade ettikten sonra en son cümlede yazar gerçektende var olan bir sözü vurguluyor “ Bir denizaltında hatta dışında her şeye yer var”. Bunu benzer bir şekilde ifade eden cevap “E” şıkkıdır.

Elephants have to keep in touch across large distances. Even when they are out of hearing range of one; another, in forests or the great plains of East Africa they are often spotted moving in the same direction. Sometimes they seem to stand still in their tracks and move their feet up and down, which leads some scientists to believe they have sensitive cells in their feet. Such cells would enable them to pick up low frequency vibrations from the ground, waves that travel distances of up to 16 km.

We understand from the passage that, when elephants are a good distance apart, they ……. .

A) become nervous and stamp their feet
B) feel very insecure
C) can still communicate with each other
D) try many different ways of making contact with each other
E) feel exposed to attack

Soru kökünde verilen bir tamamlama sorusu: fillerin oldukça uzak bir mesafede olduğunda yaptıkları şeyi soran bir soru. Bu paragrafımızdaki ana düçünceyi ifade eden cümle paragrafın girişinde ifade edilmiş ve sorumuzun cevabı da bu ifade ile ilgili. Yazar, ana cümlede fillerin uzak bir mesafede biri birleriyle iletişime geçmek zorunda olduklarını ifade ettikten sonra , diğer açıklamalarda bulunmuştur. Yanı doğru cevap “C” şıkkıdır.

Born in 1564 in Stratford, Shakespeare probably attended the Stratford grammar school, where he received a classical education under its excellent schoolmaster. The years from the mid-1580s to about, 1592 are called "the lost years" in Shakespeare's life because nothing is known of him By 1592, at any rate, he was a rising young playwright in London. This was an exciting period in the English theatre mainly because of a group known as the University Wits, which included Marlowe, Nashe and others. These brilliant young men turned out sophisticated plays for the aristocracy and sensational plays for the general public.

The phrase "the lost years" in the passage refers to ……. .

A) the years during which Shakespeare wrote no plays
B) the period in Shakespeare's life about which we have virtually no knowledge
C) the period before Shakespeare became famous for his plays
D) the years of hardship Shakespeare experienced in Stratford
E) the period of writing before Shakespeare met the University Wits

Bazen bir paragrafta ifade edilen bir kelime ya da bir kalıbın paragrafta geçen anlamlarıyla ilgili sorular sorulabilir. Bu tür sorularda kelimenin temel anlamını değil, paragrafta vurgulanan anlamını sorgular. Bu tür sorularda bir sonraki cümle ya da bir önceki cümle açıklayıcı olabilir. Bu yüzden kelimenin geçtiği cümleyi, bir sonraki veya bir önceki cümleyle birlikte okursak soruya cevabı vermiş oluruz. “The lost years-kayıp yıllar” ifadesinden sonra “because” ile devam eden cümle açıklayıcı cümledir, ve o yıllarla ilgili Shakespeare hakkında hiçbir şeyin billinmediğini ifade edyor. Bu sorunun cevabını hemen hemen ayni şekilde ifade eden cümle “B” şıkkında vardır.

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