Some, Any or No Test

1. "Do you have ___ newspapers left," I asked?
 A) some
 B) any
 C) no
2. "No, I don't have ___ " he replied.
 A) some
 B) any
 C) no
3. There isn't ___ food in the refrigerator, is there?
 A) some
 B) any
 C) no
4. I'm busy. I have ___ time to chat with you now.
 A) some
 B) any
 C) no
5. I gave him ___ medicine for his headache, so he feels much better now.
 A) some
 B) any
 C) no
6. I went to the butcher, but I didn't buy ___ meat. It was so expensive!
 A) some
 B) any
 C) no
7. The teacher has ___ time to correct the compositions now. She has a meeting with the school director.
 A) some
 B) any
 C) no
8. Thank you. Maybe I will come ___ time on Saturday?
 A) some
 B) any
 C) no
9. If they have ___ Cuban cigars, please buy one for me.
 A) some
 B) any
 C) no
10. He always gives ___ money to charity. He's a very generous person.
 A) some
 B) any
 C) no

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