Present Perfect Simple or Past Simple Tense - Exercise - 2

Present Perfect Simple or Past Simple Tense

Fill in the blanks with either a past simple or a present perfect form of the verb. Use the verbs in parentheses.
  1. We
    (play) tennis five times last week.
  2. That actress is amazing! I really think she
    (bacome) more beautiful with age.
  3. We
    (own) the TV you are watching since 1998.
  4. My daughter
    (be) on her own for six years now.
  5. I returned the shoes I bought at the mall because they
    (not fit).
  6. My nephew
    (live) in Germany all his life and he still lives there.
  7. Since the weather was so nice I
    (ride) my bicycle to work yesterday.
  8. Alligators, which are common in Florida,
    (exist) for tens of millions of years.
  9. I
    (not hear) from my friend in over a year. I wonder what he is doing these days.
  10. My husband
    (catch) this fish fresh today. It will taste great when we eat it.
Your Result is (1/10)

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