If Clause - Zero Conditionals Exercise - 2

If Clause - Zero Conditionals Exercise

Complete the sayings below by using the clauses in the box. The zero conditional (using If you can not...) is often found in old sayings and proverbs. Complete the sayings and proverbs below using the clauses in the box.
you can not be helped better not show your teeth. they do not get overweight  you get a shock join them
do not say anything at all adjust your sail. you get dough  get out of the kitchen somebody else will
  1. If you mix flour and water,
  2. If you can't beat them,
  3. If you can't bite,
  4. If you can't take advice,
  5. If you can't control the wind,
  6. If you can't stand the heat,
  7. If you can't laugh at yourself,
  8. If you can't say anything nice,
  9. If you mix water and electricity,
  10. If children play outside,
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