Reported / Indirect Speech

(Dolaylı Anlatım)

Başkasının söylediği bir ifadeyi ikinci bir kişi başka birine aktarıyorsa bu bir dolaylı aktarımdır (indirect / reported speech). Birinin söylediği sözü iki şekilde aktarabiliriz: dolaysız (direct) ve dolaylı (indirect). Dolaysız anlatım (direct speech), kişinin ağzından çıkan ifadeyi aynen aktarmaktır. Söz iki tırnak arasında yer alır ve “She said, he asked, he wanted to know, etc.” gibi ifadelerle aktarılır. Bu ifadeler aktarılan sözden önce ya da sonra yer alabilir.

· Boss said, “man does not live by bread only”
· “First, boil the fresh water,” she said.
· He asked, "when did you return home?"
· "Does it rain outside?" he wanted to know

Dolayla aktarımları üç ana başlık altında toplayabiliriz.

1)- Reporting statments (düz cümleler aktarım)
2)- Reporting questions (soru cümlelerini aktarım)
3)- Reporting imperatives (emir cümlelerini aktarım)

Reporting Statements


Düz cümleleri aktarırken en çok kullanılan aktarma sözü “tell” ve “say” dir. “Tell” den sonra mutlaka sözün kime söylendiğini belirtmemiz için bir nesne kullanmamız gerekir.

· He has told me he lives in poverty.
· I will tell him when he have to pay his depth
· We told them that they didn’t need to come the following day

“Say”den sonra nesne kullanmamız gerekmez, hemen arkasından cümle kullanılabilir. .

· He said (that) he used to live in luxury.
· I will say (that) no one can overcome this difficult situation.
· They have said (that) some people broke into their house.

“Say” den sonra bir zamir kullanmak istersek, “He said to me, She said to us, etc…” gibi, zamirden önce “to” kullanmak zorundayız. Ancak “say”in bu kullanımı, Indirect Speech'de pek yaygın değildir.

Direct cümleyi aktarırken, “say”, cümlenin başında ya da sonunda yer alabilir. Say cümlenin sonunda yer aldığı zaman devrik olabilir.

· “I paid all my debts”, my father said
My father said “I paid all my depts.”
“I paid all my debts”, said my father

“Say” den sonra sözün kime söylendiğini belirtmek istersek “say + to object” kullanılır ve bu kullanım, sadece cümlenin sonunda yer alabilir. Cümlenin başına gelmez ve devrik yapamayız.

· "I didn't like the film," Sue said to me.

Direct cümleyi aktarırken “tell” de kullanabiliriz. Ancak “tell” den sonra sözün kime söylendiğini belirtmemiz gerekir, “tell” cümlenin sonunda yer alabilir.

· "I didn't like the film," Sue told me.

“Tell lies”, “tell stories” ve “tell the truth” gibi özel ifadelerinde, sözün kime söylendiğini belirtmek zorunlu değildir.

· She told (me) lies.
· Grandma told (the children) stories.
· Will you tell (me) the truth?

Indirect cümleyi aktarırken “say” ya da “tell + object” cümlenin başında kullanılır. “Say + to + object” kullanımı da mümkündür ancak çok yaygın değildir.

· Martin said (to me that) he wouldn’t come to cinema with us.
· Sue told me (that) she hadn't liked the film she watched the day before.

“Tell someone about something/about doing something”, bir konuda bir şeyler anlatmak anlamındadır. “Say” bu şekilde kullanılmaz.

· He told me about his strange story about a trip to London.
· He told us about travelling around some Middle East countries.

Cümleleri aktarırken “tell” ve “say” in yanı sıra başka fiiller de kullanabiliriz. Bu fiiller cümleyi yakınma, itiraz, gözlem vb. gibi anlamlar da ilave ederek aktarmamızı sağlar. Bu şekilde yaygın olarak kullanılan fiiller şunlardır:

deny *
point out

He promised that he would help us financially.
They argue that the new project will be more successful than they have thought.
She didn’t inform us they were going to leave the following week.

*Deny fiilinden sonra gelen cümle olumsuz olamaz. Ancak direct cümle olumsuzdur.

· He denied that he had stolen my wallet.
  (Cüzdanımı çaldığını inkar etti.)
· She will deny that she has been with my boyfriend.
  (Benim erkek arkadaşımla olduğunu inkar edecek.)

Dolaylı anlatım (indirect speech), kişinin ağzından çıkan ifadeyi aktarırken zaman (tense), zamir (pronoun) zaman zarfı (time adverbs) gibi bazı değişiklikler yapmayı gerektirir.

Dolaylı aktarım yapılırken meydana gelen zaman (tense) değişimleri:
Direct Speech Indirect Speech
Simple Present Simple Past
Present Continuous Past Continuous
Present Perfect Past Perfect
Present Perfect Continuous Past Perfect Continuous
Simple Past Past Perfect
Past Continuous Past Perfect Continuous
am/is/are going to was/were going to
shall/will should/would
should/would should/would
can could
could could
must, have to had to
must, have to (future necessity) must/had to /would have to
must (deduction) must
don't have to didn't have to
mustn't wasn't, weren't to do/mustn't
should/ought to/had better should/ought to/had better
may. might
might might
used to used to
Eğer aktarma sözü, "She always tells us, She has just told me, She will tell us" gibi Simple Present, Present Perfect ve Simple Future ise, aktarılan cümlenin zamanında bir değişiklik yapılmaz. Sadece gerekli zamir değişiklikleri yapılır.

· John: I am getting everything ready for tomorrow's exam.
  John will say (that) he is getting everything ready for tomorrow's exam.

· My boss: This is the third time you have been late this week.
  My boss has said to me (that) this is the third time I have been late this week.

· My friend: Capital punishment still exists in some parts of the USA.
  My friend says (that) capital punishment still exists in some parts of the USA.

· The fire brigade: The fire is spreading rapidly throughout the building.
  The fire brigade is saying (that) the fire has been spreading rapidly throughout the building.

· My father: I don’t approve of hunting animals merely for sport.
  My father tells me (that) he doesn’t approve of hunting animals merely for sport.

· Tom :She’s famous for her marvellous singing voice.
  Tom says (that) She’s famous for her marvellous singing voice.

Eğer aktarma sözü Simple Past ya da Past Perfect ise (I told him, he had told us, etc.), zamir değişikliklerinin yanı sıra, tense ve zaman zarflarında da değişiklik yapılır. Aktarılan cümlenin zamirlerini değiştirirken, sözü kimin söylediğini ve bu sözü kimin kime aktardığını dikkate almalıyız.

· John: I am getting everything ready for tomorrow's exam.
  John said (that) he was getting everything ready for the next day's exam.

· My boss: This is the third time you have been late this week.
  My boss said to me (that) this was the third time I had been late that week.

· The fire brigade: The fire is spreading rapidly throughout the building.
  The fire brigade was saying (that) the fire had been spreading rapidly throughout the building.

· My father: I don’t approve of hunting animals merely for sport.
  My father told me (that) he didn’t approve of hunting animals merely for sport.

· Tom :She is famous for her marvellous singing voice.
  Tom said (that) she was famous for her marvellous singing voice.

Dolaylı aktarımlarda meydana gelen zaman ifadelerindeki değişimler:
Direct speech Indirect speech
today That day
tonight that night
yesterday the day before/the previous day
the day before yesterday two days before/earlier
last week/month/year the previous week/month/year (the week etc. before)
yesterday morning/afternoon/evening the previous morning/afternoon/evening
a year/week ago a year/week before, the previous year/week
two years/months/weeks ago two years /months/ weeks before/earlier
tomorrow the next day/the following day
the day after tomorrow in two days' time
next week/month/year the following week/month/year
now then/immediately

· "I'm going to see one of my old school mate today," she said.
   She said she was going to see one of her school mate that day.

· "Mr. Callahan left for home half an hour ago," the clerk said to me.
   The clerk told me Mr. Callahan had left for home half an hour before.

· They said, "we are leaving Istanbul the day after tomorrow."
  They said they were leaving Istanbul in two days' time.

· "I'll visit you tomorrow," he said to me.
   He told me that he would visit me the next day/the following day.

Zaman zarflarındaki bu değişme her zaman aynı olmayabilir. Sözün aktarıldığı zamanı da dikkate almamız gerekir. Örneğin sözün söylendiği gün ile aktarıldığı gün aynı ise ve olay gerçekleşmemişise “today” değişmez.

· "I can visit you today.", Mike told me.
    Mike told me this morning that he could visit us today.

Örneğin, Cuma günü kardeşiniz size iki gün içinde Pazartesi yeni işine başlayacağını söylesin.
· "I'm starting my new job at the supermarket the day after tomorrow.", on Saturday my brother told me.

Eğer bu sözü Cumartesi günü aktarıyorsak:

· My brother told me that he was starting his new job at the supermarket in two days' time.

Pazar günü aktarıyorsak:

· My brother told me that he was starting his new job at the supermarket tomorrow.

Pazartesi günü aktarıyorsak:

· My brother told me that he was starting his new job at the supermarket today.

Direct cümledeki "I / We shall', indirect cümlede “He / She / They would” olur. Ancak indirect cümlede özne I / We olarak kalıyorsa “I / We should/would” kullanılır.

· “I shall meet my friends tomorrow.” , John told me.
   John told me (that) he would meet his friends the following day.

· “We haven’t seen Sally at school today”, her friends told me
    Her friend told me that they hadn’t seen Sally at school that day.

Aktarılacak cümledeki would, would rather, would prefer, would like, would hate gibi yapılar, dolaylı olarak aktarılan cümleye değiştirilmeden aynen aktarılır.

· “I would rather stay home than go out today.”, My father said.
   My father said that she would rather stay home than go out that day.

· “We would like to invite you to dinner one evening." Mrs. Steel told us.
    Mrs. Steel told us that she would like to invite us to dinner one evening.

Koşul belirten cümlelerde type-1 indirect cümleye bir derece past yapılarak aktarılır. Type-2 ve Type-3 ise aynen aktarılır.

"We shall/will spend the day out if it is nice tomorrow."
 She said that they would spend the day out if it was nice the following day.

"I would do the same if I were you."
 She told me that she would do the same if she were me.

"I wouldn't have behaved like that if I had been in your position."
 She said that she wouldn't have behaved like that if she had been in my position.

Must ve have to present bir anlam taşıyorsa had to biçimine dönüşür..

"I must/have to get up very early on weekdays."
 She said that she had to get up very early on weekdays.

Zorunluluk belirten kipler “must “ve “have to” (will have to) future bir anlam taşıyorsa genellikle “would have to” biçimine dönüştürülür. Ancak sözün aktarıldığı sırada direct cümledeki gelecek zaman kavramı artık geçmiş durumda ise “would have to” yerine “had to” da kullanılabilir. Future bir anlam taşıyan must indirect cümleye değiştirilmeden de aktarılabilir.

"I must/have to /will have to get up very early tomorrow."

Last week, Sue left the party early, because she said she must/had to/would have to get up very early the following day.

"I must/have to/will have to study harder next year." (spoken in 1995) She said that she must/would have to study harder next year, (reported in 1995)

Tahmin bildirirken kullandığımız “must”, indirect cümleye aynen aktarılır.

"He must be stupid to refuse their offer."
 She said that he must be stupid to refuse their offer.

Zaman bağlaçlarının bulunduğu cümlelerde, Past Tense ve Past Continuous Tense normalde indirect cümleye aynen aktarılır. Ancak, Past Tense'i Past Perfect Tense biçiminde de aktarabiliriz.

"I was studying English when you phoned me."
She told me that she was studying English when I phoned/had phoned her.

"I saw an old friend of mine while I was driving home yesterday."
He said he saw an old friend of his while he was driving home the day before.

Doğa kanunları, sürekli geçerliliği olan genel doğrular ve kurallar aktarılırken tense değişikliği yapılmaz.

"The earth revolves round the sun."
The teacher explained to his students that the earth revolves round the sun.

Direct cümledeki this/these indirect cümleye genellikle that/those ya da the biçiminde aktarılır. Here ise there biçiminde ifade edilir.

She told me that he had bumped into Tony when I was walking home.
He informed us that he might have to work overtime this evening
The children denied that they had been fighting
He admitted that he had found the exam much harder than he had expected

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