Reduced Adverbial Clauses

(Zarf Cümleciklerinin Kısaltılması)


Fiilin –ing veya –ed ekleri alarak zarf yada sıfat biçiminde kullanılmasıdır. Türkçe’deki zarf fiil veya ortaç kullanımlarına benzer bir yapıdır. Süreklilik ifade eden zamanlarda (progressive tenses) ve edilgen yapılarda (passive structure) cümlenin yüklemidirler. Participle’lar üç şekilde karşımıza çıkar. Etken (active) ve edilgen (passive) özelikleri de vardır.

Present participle : fiilin –ing eki alarak kullanılmasıdır.
Past participle: fiilin –ed alarak kullanılmasıdır.
Pefect participle: fillin having +V3 olarak kullanılmasıdır.


Konumuzun diğer bölümünü kaplayacak olan bu yapı biçim olarak oldukça geniştir. Bu yapıyı bölümler halinde inceleyeceğiz.


Zarf cümleciklerini kısaltılmış (reduction) konuma dönüştürebilmek için birinci koşul ana cümlecik ile zarf cümleciğinin özlerinin ortak olmasıdır. Ancak farklı cümlelerde de kısaltma yapılabilir.

Etken yapıdaki zarf cümleciklerinde kısaltılmış yapıyı TIME (Zaman) / CONDITION (Koşul)/ CONCESSIVE (Zıtlık) ve MANNER (Davranış) belirten zarf cümleciklerinde oluşturabiliyoruz. Bu arada AS / AS SOON AS ve UNTIL/TILL bağlaçlarını bu kalıpta kullanamıyoruz.

After people moved to urban areas, they had less protein in their diet.

Zarf cümleciklerinde kısaltmalar yapılırken ortak olan öğelerden birini atabiliyoruz. Buna bağlı olarak zarf bağlaçlarını da atabiliyoruz. Ancak, bağlaçların bazıları atılamaz. Zarf cümleciğinin öznesi “people” ile ana cümleciğin öznesi olan “they” ortaktır. Zarf cümleciğinin öznesini ve varsa yardımcıyı atıp fiili “Ving” haline dönüştürürüz.
  • After people moved to urban areas, people had less protein in their diet.
  • After moving to urban areas, people had less protein in their diet.

Aşağıdaki örnekleri inceleyelim. 
  • Martin wanted to finish the report, before he left the office.
  • Martin wanted to finish the report before leaving the office
  • The little girl ran off to the house as if she was escaping from something dangerous.
  • The little girl ran off to the house as if escaping from something dangerous.
  • Mary had red eyes as though she had been crying.
  • Mary had red eyes as though crying.
  • George has still been looking for a job since he moved this town.
  • George has still been looking for a job since moving this town.
  • You should always turn off the lights and close your door when you leave your room
  • You should always turn off the lights and lock your door when leaving your room
  • I usually make my calls while I am sitting in the traffic jam.
  • I usually make my calls while sitting in the traffic jam.
  • We always have a shower after we play tennis or football.
  • We always have a shower after playing tennis or football.
  • Although they dislike taking foreign languages, most students must take them for graduation.
  • Although disliking taking foreign languages, most students must take them for graduation.
  • Nobody can get what they want unless they ask for it.
  • Nobody can get what they want unless asking for it.
  • While I do very well in class, I have very poor performance at exams.
  • While doing very well in class, I have very poor performance at exams.

“After” bağlacı kısaltma konumda “past perfect” ile kullanılmışsa, bunu vurgulamak için perfect parıciple (after having V3) kalıbını kullanırız.
  • The president was arrasted, after the goverment had been overtaken by milltary coup.
  • The president was arrasted, after the goverment having been overtaken by milltary coup.

Although, though, even though cümleleri in spite of veya despite ile indirgenir.
  • Although he works hard, he doesn’t earn much money. 
  • Although / Despite working hard, he doesn’t earn much money.Veya
  • In spite of his hard work, he doesn’t earn much money.
  • Altough he was warned not to smoke any longer, he went on smoking.
  • Altough warned not to smoke any longer, he went on smoking.
  • In spite of being warned not to smoke any longer, he went on smoking.

With Subordinate Conjunctions / Passive

Edilgen yapıdaki zarf cümleciklerinde de kısaltma yapılırken yapı TIME (Zaman) / CONDITION (Koşul) / CONCESSIVE (Zıtlık) ve MANNER (davranış) belirten zarf cümleciklerinden oluşturulur ve herhangi bir bağlaç kısıtlaması yoktur.
  • When the little was told to go to bed, she began to cry.

Zarf cümleciğinin öznesi “the little girl” ile ana cümleciğin öznesi olan “she” ortaktır. Zarf cümleciğinin öznesini ve varsa yardımcıyı atıp fiili V3 haline dönüştürürüz.
  • When told to go to bed, the little girl began to cry.

Edilgen (passive) yapılarda dikkat edeceğimiz nokta AFTER / BEFORE / IMAGINE / SINCE ve WHILE bağlaçlarından sonra V3 değil being V3 in tercih edilmesidir. Bunun sebebi bu bağlaçların ayni zamanda birer edat olmalarından kaynaklanır. Ancak V3’te kullanılabilir.
  • After he was taken to the nearest hospital, the injured pedestrian was asked some questions.
  • After being taken to the nearest hospital, the injured pedestrian was asked some questions.
  • When it is completed, the building will be used as a concert hall.
  • When completed, the building will be used as a concert hall.
  • Before he was promoted as a manager, Morgan used to work as head engineer.
  • Before being promoted as manager, Morgan used to work as head engineer.
  • Many of the workers have still been unemployed since they were made redundant.
  • Many of the workers have still been unemployed since being made redundant.
  • The students completed the experiment as they were instructed by their professor.
  • The students completed the experiment as instructed by their professor.

With Preposition / Active

Kısaltma yapılırken, bazı bağlaçlar atılabilirken, bazıları atılamaz. Ancak atıldıklarında bir edat kullanılır. Zarf cümleciklerini bir edatla kısaltılmış hale getirirken ON, UPON, IN, BESIDES ve BY edatlarını kullanıyoruz.

1. ON ve UPON “when” bağlacı atılırken onun yerine kullanılır.
2. IN “while” bağlacı atılırken onun yerine kullanılır.
3. BY “in that way” anlamında kullanılmaktadır.
4. “Beside” hem bağlaç hem de edat olarak kullanılabilir.

ON ve UPON Türkçeye (-dığında), IN (-erken), BESIDES (-in yanı sıra) BY (-erek) son ekleriyle çevrilmektedir.

  • When he returned from office, Sam found a message pinned on his door, stating to evacuate the house.
  • Upon returning from lunch, Sam found a message pinned on his door, stating to evacuate the house.
  • When they competing in a demolition derby, drivers must continue until their cars are demolished
  • On competing in a demolition derby, drivers must continue until their cars are demolished
  • Scientists study the reactions of people with amnesia, in that way, they are learning more about the process of memory in the brain.
  • By studying the reactions of people with amnesia, scientists are learning more about the process of memory in the brain.
  • Besides they are comfortable, those sports shoes can be worn causally.
  • Besides being comfortable, those sports shoes can be worn causally.

With Preposition / Passive

Edatları edilgen çatıda kullandığımızda bu yapıda oluşan cümleciklerin hepsinden sonar being V3 getiriyoruz.
  • On being asked to make a speech at the commencement ceremonies, the honor student spent most of his time preparing his speech.
  • By being given extra responsibility, the accountant was continuously controlled by the manager.

If, Unless, As if, As though, Whether or not gibi yapılarda kısaltma yapılırken bağlaçlar atılamaz.
  • If you don't warm up before taking exercise, you risk injuring yourself.
  • If not warming up before taking exercise, you risk injuring yourself.
  • I can't reach the top shelf unless I use a stepladder.
  • I can't reach the top shelf unless using a stepladder.
  • He grinned at me, as if / as though she shared a secret joke.
  • He grinned at me, as if / as though sharing a secret joke.
  • They were running hurriedly, as if / as though they were being chased by someone.
  • They were running hurriedly, as if / as though being chased by someone.
  • You have to pay standing charges whether you use the service or not.
  • You have to pay standing charges whether to use the service or not.

So that, So .. that / such a(n) ... that indirgendiğinde so as to / so sıfat as to / such … as to ya dönüşür.
  • I studied hard so that I could get a passing grade in the exam.
  • I studied hard so as to get a passing grade in the exam. 
  • His work was so good that it made him internationally famous.
  • His work was so good as to make him internationally famous. 
  • He was in such bad health that he was obliged to resign.
  • He was in such bad health as to be obliged to resign.           
  • The countess’s treatment of her servants was such that it caused great resentment.
  • The countess’s treatment of her servants was such as to cause great resentment. 

Without Subordinate Conjunction

Bağlaçsız etken zarf cümleciklerinde kısaltma yaparken time (zaman) , reason (sebep) ve concessive (zıtlık) ifade eden zarf cümleciklerini kullanıyoruz. Bu ifadeleri belirten bağlaçlar kısaltma yapılırken atılabilir.

  • Reaching the top of the hill, the climbers had hardly any energy left.
  • Yielding a plentiful harvest of oranges and apples, the orchard is referred to as the Land of Fruit'.
  • Being America's largest and interesting city, New York City is visited by millions of tourists every year.


Bağlaçsız edilgen zarf cümleciklerinde de time, reason ve condition kullanıyoruz.
  • Saddened by her husband’s sudden death, Mrs. Salima has started to live into seclusion.
  • Informed in advance, I took some precaution not to be deceived by the dealer.


Present Perfect yada Past Perfect Tense İle ifade edilen bir yancümleciğin kısaltması yapılırken Pefect participle (having V3) kullanılır. Bununla beraber, yan cümlecik Past ile (Geçmiş), ana cümlecik Presesnt (Şimdi) yada Future (Gelecek) ile ifade ediyor ise yan cümlecik kısaltma yapılırken Perfect participle kullanılır.

  • Having understood the problem clearly, the students began solving it. (AFTER)
  • Having photocopied all the necessary documents, the secretary put them back in their files.
  • Having failed to reach the finish line first, the runner gave up. (BECAUSE)
  • Having spent all his money, Daniel couldn't afford a new jacket.
  • We decided not to travel having heard the terrible weather forecast

  • The boys were challenged to enter the house having been told the ghost story. (AFTER)
  • Having been divorced, Susan is unable to establish a credit. (BECAUSE)
  • Having been received very late, the report lost all its importance.
  • Having been invited to address to you, I must utter a few words.
  • Having been seen through a telescope, the planets were observed more easily.

Özneleri aynı olan ve genellikle de birbirini izleyen iki olayı ifade eden iki tümceyi birleştirme istediğimizde, ikinci cümlenin öznesini atıp fiili etkense Ving, edilgense being V3 haline getirir ve tümceden sonra koyacağımız virgülün ardına yerleştiririz.
  • Some skyscrapers are so tall that they actually sway in the wind. They move as much as two feet in each direction during violent weather.
  • Some skyscrapers are so tall that they actually sway in the wind, moving as much as two feet in each direction during violent weather.

Çeviride dikkat edeceğiniz nokta birinci cümlenin fiilinin mastarsız haline (-ip) ya da (-erek) son eki vereceğimiz ve bu fiilin alması gereken zaman, sure, kip vs son eklerini Ving ya da V3 haline dönüştürüp kısaltma yaptığımız fiile gideceğidir.

Bazı gökdelenler, o kadar yüksektir ki rüzgarda gerçekten sallanıp /sallanarak şiddetli havalarda her iki tarafa en az iki fit hareket eder.
  • Indonesia's Komodo dragon is the largest living lizard, attaining a total length of up to 3 meters.
  • The members on the expedition found the villagers intractable, resisting their offers of all kinds of gifts.
  • A lunar eclipse occurs when the earth passes between the sun and the moon, causing the moon to become dark.

Bu tür cümlelerde öznelerin farklı olması durumunda ise, ikinci cümlenin öznesini tutup fiile yine aynı işlemi uygularız.
  • As the boss went abroad to buy some new devices, the manager will prisede the next week’s meeting.
  • The boss having gone abroad to buy some new devices, the manager will prisede the next week’s meeting.

Edilgen olması durumunda yukarıda belirttiğimiz gibi yaparız.
  • The rare Fanconi syndrome appears in young children and is associated with chromosomal abnormalities. It is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait in many cases.
  • The rare Fanconi syndrome appears in young children and is associated with chromosomal abnormalities, being inherited as an autosomal recessive trait in many cases.
  • The wheelbarrow is an example of a second-order lever. The load is carried between the fulcrum and the effort.
  • The wheelbarrow is an example of a second-order lever, the load being carried between the fulcrum and the effort.

Verbless Clauses
(Fiilsiz Tümcecikler)

Zarf cümleciğinin fiili to be olduğunda ve to be fiilini ön ad, ad ya da ad öbeği ile izlediğimizde fiil ve özneyi atıp aşağıda sıralanan bağlaçlarla fiilsiz cümlecik yapabiliriz.


  • Whenever possible, people should be informed about the dangerous conditions on the freeways.
  • When present, fever causes the body to produce more heat than it gives off.
  • While a liable girl, Sandra can, sometimes, be extremely difficult to work with.
  • Ronald Reagan, although an actor, became the president of the US.
  • Since even the gentlest pet may bite, when in pain, it is wise to muzzle an injured animal by wrapping a soft cloth around its jaws.
  • While highly effective, nitroglycerine is extremely volatile.

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