Conjunctions: and, but, or, because, so. 2

İki cümleyi birleştirerek bir cümle yapınız.  And, but, or, because, veya so bağlaçlarını kullanınız. Daha sonra cevaplarınızı kontrol ediniz.
Example: I have a pen. I have a pencil. - I have a pen and a pencil.
1. I like coffee. I like tea.

2. She has a cat. She doesn't have a dog.

3. I don't have much money. I can't buy a computer.

4. She isn't here. She's on vacation 

5. Do you write with your left hand? Do you write with your right hand?

6. My father likes football. He doesn't like basketball.

7. It was very sunny last Sunday. We went to the beach.

8. Thomas was really hungry this morning. He didn’t eat breakfast.

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Not: Bazı soruların birden fazla cevapları vardır,  Bu yüzdende cevaplarınız yanlış görünse de yinede doğru olabilir. :)

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