Simple Past Tense: Was / Were

Was / Were
Geçmiş zamanda – mesela, dün, geçen ay, geçen hafta, vb. gibi – kişi(ler)nin veya varlığın konumu, durumu, bulunduğu yer, vb. hâllerini anlatan cümlelerde was / were kullanılır.

To be (olmak) fiilinin present (şimdiki zaman) hali am, is, are; past (di’li geçmiş) hali was ve were’dür.

Was; I, he, she, it ile, were; you, we, they ile kullanılır. Örnekleri inceleyiniz.

Bu yapıda olumlu bir cümle şöyle kurulur:
Subject + was / were + place expressions + time expressions.
(Subject: özne; place expressions yer zarfı; time expressions: zaman zarfı; demektir.)

Affirmative  (OLUMLU ŞEKLİ)
 Şahıs Zamiri
To Be
 Örnek Cümle
I was tired this morning.
You were very good.
He was the best in his class.
She was late for work.
 It was a sunny day.
We were at home.
They were happy with their test result.

· I was at the market yesterday. (Ben, dün marketteydim.)
· You were very busy yesterday. (Sen, dün çok meşguldün.)
· He was born in England in 1564. (O, 1564'de İngiltere'de doğdu.)
· She was at the zoo yesterday afternoon. (O, dün öğleden sonra hayvanat bahçesindeydi.)
· Your car was out of order last week. (Araban geçen hafta bozuktu.)
· We were in the park two days ago. (Biz, iki gün önce parktaydık.)
· They were in the supermarket last weekend. (Onlar, geçen hafta sonu süpermarketdeydi.)

Geçmişte yaşayan ünlü kişilerin konumları ve durumları da bu yapı ile anlatılabilir. Örnekleri inceleyiniz.

· Mehmet Akif Ersoy was a poet. (Mehmet Akif Ersoy bir şairdi.)
· Metin Oktay was a footballer. (Metin Oktay futbolcuydu.)
· Marie Curie was a scientist. (Marie Curie bilim insanıydı.)
· Florence Nightingale was a nurse. (Florence Nightingale hemşireydi.)
· Neil Armstrong was an astronaut. (Neil Armstrong astronot idi.)
· The Beatles were famous pop group. (Beatles ünlü pop (müzik) gurubuydu.)
· Ayhan Işık was a very famous film star. (Ayhan Işık çok ünlü bir film yıldızıydı.)
· William Shakespeare were a writer. (William Shakespeare bir yazardı.)
· Atatürk was the first president of Turkey. (Atatürk, Türkiye'nin ilk cumhurbaşkanıydı.)
· Atatürk's mother's name was Zübeyde Hanım. (Atatürk'ün annesinin adı Zübeyde Hanım'dı.)

Cümle; was veya were yardımcı fiillerinden birisi ile başlıyorsa, soru halindedir.

Questions  (SORU ŞEKLİ)
Örnek Cümle
I was late
Was I late?
You were sick.
Were you sick?
He was surprised.
Was he surprised?
She was from Italy.
Was she from Italy?
It was a big house.
Was it a big house?
We were ready.
Were we ready?
They were busy.
Were they busy?
· Were you happy when you were a child? (Çocukken mutlu muydun?)· Was there a festival last month? (Geçen ay bir festival var mıydı?
· Were you in the canteen yesterday morning? (Dün sabah kantinde miydin?)
· Was your grandpa fat in 1995? (Büyükbaban 1995'de şişman mıydı?)
· Was there an interesting film on TV yesterday? (Dün televizyonda ilginç bir film var mıydı?)
· Was Ayhan Işık a very famous film star? (Ayhan Işık çok ünlü bir film yıldızı mıydı?)
· Was your breakfast good? (Kahvaltın iyi miydi?)

Was veya were ile yapılmış sorulara - soru içinde or kelimesi yoksa - olumlu cevap yes ile olumsuz cevap no ile verilir.

Yardımcı fiiller, olumsuzluk eki not ile was + not = wasn’t; were + not = weren’t şeklinde birleşik yazılırlar. Bu yapı, cümleyi olumsuz yapar.

Şahıs Zamiri
To Be
Örnek Cümle
were not
I was not tired this morning.
were not
You were not crazy.
was not
He was not married.
was not
She was not famous.
was not
It was not hot yesterday.
were not
We were not invited.
were not
They were not friends.

· She wasn't at work two days ago, because she was ill. (O, iki gün önce işde değildi, çünkü hastaydı.)
· My English exam wasn't difficult yesterday. (Dünkü İngilizce sınavı zor değildi.)
· I wasn’t good at football when I was young. (Gençken, futbolda iyi değildim.)
· We weren’t in England last week, but we are in England now. (Biz, geçen hafta İngiltere'de değildik, ama şimdi İngiltere'deyiz.)
· Sam and Sue weren't married last summer. (Sam ve Sue, geçen yaz evli değildiler.)
· There wasn't an interesting film on TV yesterday. (Dün televizyonda ilginç bir film yoktu.)
· I wasn’t at a camp last week. (Geçen hafta kampta değildim.)
· The shops weren't open last Sunday. (Geçen pazar dükkânlar açık değildi.)
· She wasn't tall, but she was very attractive. (O, uzun boylu değildi, ama o çok çekici idi.)
· You weren't very friendly to your brother. (Sen, erkek kardeşine karşı sevecen değildin.)

Question words (soru kelimeleri) ile yapılan şu örnekleri de inceleyiniz.

· What was your grandfather's job? (Büyük babanın mesleği ne idi?)
· Where were you born? (Nerede doğdun?)
· When were you born? (Ne zaman doğdun?)
· Who was the writer 'The National Turkish Anthem'? (Türk millî marşının yazarı kimdi?)
· How tall were you last year? (Geçen yıl boyun ne kadardı?)
· How was the food last night? (Dün gece yemek nasıldı?)
· How many children were there in your family? (Ailende kaç çocuk vardı?)
· Who was the first woman pilot in Turkey? (Türkiye'deki ilk kadın pilot kimdi?)
· Where were you last Ramadan Feast? (Geçen ramazan bayramında neredeydin?)

Bu zaman kipinde kullanılan bazı time expressions (zaman zarfları) şunlardır: Yesterday (dün), last night (geçen gece), last week (geçen hafta), last month (geçen ay), last Sunday (geçen pazar), two days ago (iki gün önce), vb. gibi …

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