Modals (Preference - Tercih)

Modals (Preference)

Tercihlerimizi ifade etmek için kullandığımız yapılar aşağıdaki gibidir.

Would rather / Would sooner  / Would just as soon

“Would rather” ve “would sooner”dan sonra gelen fiil yalındır. “Bir şeyi bir şeye tercih ederim” demek için ise arada “than” kullanılır. “Would rather” “would sooner” veya “would just as soon” aynı anlama gelir, ancak “would rather” daha yaygın bir şekilde kullanılır.
  • I would rather / sooner / just as soon stay at home than spend a day in a hospital.
  •  would rather / sooner / just as soon not answer this question. It is somewhat personal.
  • I would rather / sooner / just as soon be a dog than serve you
Eğer iki taraftaki fiil aynı ise fiili sadece birinci tarafta kullanmak yeterlidir. Aynı kural edatların (prepositions) kullanımları için de geçerlidir.
  • He rather drink coffee than (drink) tea.
  • She'd rather play basketball than (play) basketball.

Would rather +Be + Ving

Bu yapıyı içinde bulunduğumuz anda yapmakta olduğumuz işten hoşnut olmadığımızı ifade etmek için kullanırız ve “Bunu yapıyor olmak yerine başka bir şey yapıyor olmayı tercih ederdim.” anlamını verir.
  • I am so tired! I would rather be sleeping now than working under the sun.
  • I would rather be surfing in Hawaii at the moment than stickin behind this desk.

Would rather + Someone / Something + V2

Eğer, “would rather / sooner” ın öznesiyle, eylemi yapacak olan kişi farklıysa, “would rather+subject+past tense” kalıbı kullanılır. Cümlede “Past Tense” kullanılmasına rağmen, anlam “present ya da future'dur”.
  • My son wants to be an engineer, but I'd rather he became a doctor.
  • Most of us would rather he wouldn’t help us with the campaign. He tends to get very bossy and try    to take over.
  • I’d rather/sooner peter came here more often and saved me the trouble of going to him.
  • I would rather you didn’t say anything to him when you next to see him.
  • We'd much rather/sooner you didn't quarrel with each other when guests are present.
Bir başkasının geçmişte yapmasını tercih ettiğimiz ama gerçekleşmemiş eylemleri “would rather + subject + Past Perfect” ile ifade ederiz.
  • I would rather you hadn’t told him about the trip. It was meant to be a surprise.
  • He seems to have made a bit of a mass of thing. I‘d rather he had asked me before he attampted to do this himself.
Bu yapıda geçmişte “............ yapmış olmayı ........ yapmaya tercih ederdim” anlamına gelir. “Would rather have done” ve “would sooner have done” geçmişte yapmayı tercih ettiğimiz ama yapamadığımız eylemleri ifade eder.
  • We spent the weekend visiting relatives, but I’d rather have spent it with my friends.
  • I’d rather not have raised my voice at her, but at the time it seemed like the only way of getting her attention.
Olumsuz cümlelerde, olumsuzluk eki “not”, “rather” ve “sooner” dan sonra gelir.
  • I'd rather not tell him about the accident. It's really depressing. (Present)
  • I'd rather not be working right now, but I am. (Present Progressive)
  • I’d rather not have visited her yesterday. She was so rude.(past)

(Would) Prefer + Someone + To do + Something

Birinin birşey yapmasını tercih ederken: “would rather someone did something” kalıbının kullanıldığını görmüştük.
  • I would rather my husband himself decided on this occasion.
  • I would rather my wife earned less money than me.
  • If you prefer your mother didn’t know, I won’t tell her.
  • They would rather I didn't live in a separate house.
Yukarıdaki cümleleri aynı anlamda “would prefer” ile vermek istersek, “object + to do” biçiminde ifade etmemiz gerekir.
  • I would prefer him to earn less money than spend extra time at work.
  • I would prefer him to decide himself on this occasion.
  • They would prefer me not to live separately.
  • If you prefer her not to know, I won’t tell her
“would rather / sooner” yapılarından sonra isim kullanılmamasına karşın “would prefer” yapısından sonra isim kullanılabilir.
  • Would you prefer tea or coffee?

(Would) Prefer + To Do + Something +Than /Rather than (Do) + Something Else

“Prefer to do something rather than (do) something” yapısıyla sadece fiil kullanabiliriz.
  • I prefer to drink coffee rather than (drink) tea.
  • She prefers to eat vegetables rather than (eat) meat.

(Would) Prefer  + To Have V3  + Rather than  + Have V3

  • I would prefer to have left the firm rather than have waited to become redundant.
  • I would prefer to have stayed at home last night than/rather than (to have) gone out.

Like Something Better Than Something Else

  • I like coffee better than tea.
  • I like walking better than running.
  • She likes swimming better than sunbathing on the beach.
Eğer, geçmişte tercih ettiğimiz eylem, istediğimiz yönde gerçekleşmişse, bunu ifade etmek için "would rather" ya da "would sooner" kullanamayız. Çünkü, her ikisi de "geçmişte tercih ederdim, ama olmadı" anlamını verir. Geçmişte şu eylemi yapmayı tercih ederdim ve yapardım" biçimindeki bir ifadeyi "like" ve "prefer" ile verebiliriz.
  • When Tom was a child, he preferred staying with his grandma to living with his mother.
  • Tom liked staying with his grandma better than living with his mother. (Result: He stayed with his grandma.)
  • Mike preferred working in the office to visiting clients for their monthly payment.
  • Mike liked working in the office better than visiting clients for their monthly payment.
  • Sally would preferred watching TV with her family to going out with her friends.
  • Sally liked watching TV with her family better than going out with her friends.

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