Listening - This/That/These/Those

A: Hey, these hot dogs look good.
B: Yep, I like them too. Try some of those tacos as well, they're delicious.
A: OK. And what's this?
B: That's chicken soup, it's really good too. Eat up!

A: Do you like this sweater?
B: Yea, that looks good. I like this one as well.
A: Oh yea, that looks great! It goes well with these shorts.
B: And these boots are cool as well. Try them on!
A: Oh yea. I want the shorts, boots, and the sweater.
B: Let's buy them!

A: These pants are really big.
B: Look at these pants. They're so small!
A: How about those shoes?
B: Which shoes?
A: Look, those. They look really weird.
B: Come on, let's go to a different store. We need the right size!

Anahtar kelimeler

these (bunlar)
hot dog (sosisli sandaviç)
try (denemek)
taco (bir çeşit ekmek arası etli Mexica yemeği)
as well (-de / -da
delicious (lezzetli)
and (ve)
soup (çorba)
sweater (süveter)
looks good (iyi görünmek)
this one (bu olanı)
shorts (şort)
boots (bot)
cool (hoş, serin)
pants (pantolon)
so (o kadar)
small (küçük)
which (hangisi)
weird (garip)
different (farklı)
right (doğru, haklı)
size (ölçü, beden)

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