Conditionals / If Clause: Mixed Type and False Conditonals


"Mixed time" if clause, temel cümledeki zaman yapısı ile koşul cümlesindeki zaman yapısının farklı type'lara ait olduğunu ifade eder. Örneğin, koşul cümlesinde type 3 kullanırken, temel cümlede type 2 kullanabiliriz. Yada tersi. Ancak burada, eylemlerin 'if clause' dışında gerçek zamanlarının ne olduğuna çok dikkat etmeliyiz. Bu çeşit cümlelerde genellikle now, at present , at the moment, still, today gibi şimdiki zaman zarfları kullanılır.

We missed the bus because of you.(past).
So, we are waiting here in the rain now (present)

Yukarıdaki örnekte, “ We missed the bus because of you.” cümlesi 'past tense' ile ifade edilmiştir. Yani bu cümleyi type 3 ile ifade edebiliriz. “ We are waiting here in the rain now “ ise Present Tense'dir ve bu gerçeğin tersini düşündüğümüzde, bunu type 2 ile ifade edebiliriz. Eğer verilen yukarıdaki iki ayrı cümleyi bir koşul cümlesi olarak ifade edersek;

· If we hadn’t missed the bus because of you, we wouldn’t be waiting here in the rain now.
  (Eğer senin yüzünden otobüsü kaçırmamış olsaydık, şu anda bu yağmurda bekliyor olmazdık.)

Gibi olur.

He is usually untidy (present)
So he wasnt’t be able to find where he put the spanner.(past)

Yine yukarıdaki örnekte ise " He is usually untidy." kişinin genel halini ifade etmektedir ve bunu koşul cümlesine type 2 ile aktarabiliriz. "he wasn’t be able to find where he put the spanner." cümlesi ise geçmişte olmuş bir olayı ifade ettiği için, bunu da type 3 ile aktarabiliriz. Eğer verilen yukarıdaki iki ayrı cümleyi bir koşul cümlesi olarak ifade edersek;

· If he weren’t usually untidy, he would have been able to find where he put the spanner.
  (Eğer genellikle dağınık biri olmamış olsa, somun anahtarını nereye koyduğunu bulabilmiş olurdu.)

Olarak ifade ederiz.

He believes the company will be succesful.(present)
So he invented his Money in that company.(past)
· He wouldn’t have invested his money in that company, if he didn’t believe it would be very succesful.

The local people campaigned for two years,
Cyclists will be using this sperate cycle path at this tournament.
· If the local people hadn’t campaigned for two years, cyclists wouldn’t be using this sperate cycle path at this tournament.

Some more examples:

· If he did some phisical exercises, he wouldn’t have had that bulging belly.
· If he were a good worker, he wouldnt have had a warning yesterday.
· If the buyer for our house hadn’t changed her mind, we wouldn’t be stil living here.
· If he didn’t have leadership qualities, he wouldn’t have elected as chairman for the club.
· She wouldn’t be so successful at present, ıf she had let anyone discourage her.
· If you had washed the dishes up after diner, you wouldn’t be doing now.


Konuşan kişi koşula bağlı olayın zaten gerçekleştiğini ifade yada ima etmek istiyorsa bu tür bir cümle yapısını kullanır. Burada “if” madem ki “since” anlamındadır.

· If / since you don’t like opera, why are you here then?
· İf / since you didn’t like the film, you should have left.
· If / since you didn’t do much maths at school, you will find engineering difficult to study.
· If / since she promised to be here, she will certainly come.
· If / since he arrived only yesterday, he will probably not leave before Sunday.
· If / since you spent the night on the train, you probably need a rest.
· If / since he hadn’t come in when you arrived, he won’t come in at all this evening.
· If / since he hadn’t left any massage when you called, he probably intends to be back before you leave.

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